Chapter 38

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Clarke couldn't wait to be home, work took was longer than usual today, she pulled up to the cluster of mailboxes in her unit. She smiled seeing she had a letter from Bellamy.

She pulled in the driveway not feeling like getting out yet, she opened the letter.



Almost time to come home, I'm counting the days, won't be long now.

How are you and Aurora holding up? Maybe if you cross your legs you can

hold her in until I get home. HaHa. A few more weeks until I can hold you

at night, I cannot wait, it's like the light at the end of the tunnel and I can

finally see it. I wonder if Aella will remember me. Octavia said she has been

sharing our bed, she's in for a rude awakening. I miss you more than you could

imagine, night raids especially, I find myself looking for the North Star. Makes

me feel like you are with me. We will be able to look at the starts together soon.

You are my whole world, and I love you. I'll write again Friday.

Forever Always,


P.S. I Love You Most.


Clarke was emotional over the deployment but the pregnancy was making it worse. She was a mess, cried more tears than should be humanly possible. Today was the worst, she just had a feeling all day that something was wrong.

She wiped her tears away and stepped out of the car grabbing her bag and heading to the door. She fished through her bag looking for the keys to the townhouse, her phone vibrating as she unlocked the house. The put her bag on the table grabbing her cell phone.

She sighed, the stupid News Break App. She needed to delete it. She clicked the link, expecting local news.

'US Troops Take Fire During Night Raid'

She dropped the phone on the table, refusing to read it. She could already feel herself getting worked up.

"Clarke get ahold of yourself" she talked to herself as she stood going to get a cup from the cabinet. She turned the water on letting it get cold before filling her cup.

Her phone buzzed again and she went to set the cup on the counter, but caught the edge and the cup crashed to the floor.

"Good job Clarke, she sighed grabbing a towel before getting down on the floor and wiping it up.

She grabbed the counter for support, she pulled herself up just as pain ripped through her side. Liquid ran down her legs on to the floor.

"No, No, No, Aurora its too early" she panicked. She moved to her phone slowly dialing Octavia.

"Hey, I'm literally in the driveway" she answered.

"My water broke"

"What? are you sure?"

"Pretty sure" Clarke breathed into the phone looking down at the floor.

The door flew open, and Octavia threw the backpack by the door on before grabbing Clarke's arm.

"C'mon, we are prepared, I have the bag and I already sent an S.O.S to Raven, she's calling the doctors office"

"Octavia it's too early, She's too early"

"It's not that early Clarke, lot's of babies are born early, she will be fine"

Clarke cried out in pain.

"You need to breathe" Octavia tried to soothe her as they stopped at the gate to Ft. Belvoir.

"I am breathing" she snapped.

They showed ID and were directed to the hospital, Raven was already there wheelchair waiting on the sidewalk. Clarke tried to stay calm as they brought her inside, but she was freaking out inside, something still felt wrong.

Raven paced the waiting room, hoping she had the baby soon.

Her phone buzzed.

A photo of her beautiful Niece came through from Octavia with the stats.


Aurora Isabelle


6lbs and 10 oz

19" long

"Ma'am you are going to have to leave" a nurse tapped Octavia, suddenly the room was full of people.

"Why, what's happening?" Octavia asked.

"You need to step out"

"No, I can't she's my sister" Octavia argued, she looked to Clarke who was being hooked up to more IV's.

"O, go with Aurora, she needs family with her" Clarkes voice was weak, Octavia didn't want to leave her.

"Ma'am your niece is this way" another nurse escorted her out the door.

Her phone buzzed as she followed the nurse down the hallway.

Raven: How's Clarke?

Octavia: They are moving the baby to the nursey, come see her.

Raven: She's not with Clarke?

Raven hurried to the nursery, Babies always stayed with there mom's if they were healthy.

Octavia stood outside the window waiting for Raven.

"Aurora's okay?" She asked hurrying to her.


"Then why? Clarkes okay right?" she turned Octavia towards her.

"Octavia, Clarke is okay right?" Ravens voice cracked sensing something was wrong.

Octavia broke down in tears.

"I don't know there were complications, people rushing in and out, she told me to go with the baby"

Raven pulled her into her arms.

The speaker in the nurses station went off.

'Code Blue, Maternity Post Op'

Octavia's legs gave out, Raven moving to the floor with her. Octavia sobbed in Raven's shoulder. Raven tried her best to console her, tears running down her cheeks.

The floor was eerily quiet, there was no movement anywhere, even the babies were quiet.

"Raven, he can't do this alone, he needs her" she whispered.

"She won't leave him or Aurora, she loves them too much"

"How do I tell him if she doesn't.."

"We won't have to because she will" Raven stated

"She has too" she whispered. Octavia and Bellamy needed her, we all needed her.

Just then a wail from the nursey broke the silence, The girls looked through the window.

It was Aurora crying for her mom.

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