Chapter 18

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Bellamy sat at the counter in the kitchen waiting for Clarke to get ready so they could go out to get something to eat. He wasn't entirely sure what was taking her so long but he knew it felt like it was taking forever.

"You clean up well Blake" Raven teased pulling up the stool across from him.

"At this rate it won't matter, it will be time for bed by the time she's ready" he yawned. Raven shook her head with a smile.

"I'm sure she will be out shortly, you guys starting training for deployment?"

"We have just been going through pre-deployment checklists and making sure all our shit is together, next week we really start amping up, I'll be out in the field for two weeks, then on the range for a week, then a combination of both plus some intense PT for the last 4 weeks. Pretty much limits me to weekends with all of you from here on out. "

"How long are you gone for?" Raven asked.

"Nine Months, give or take a week or two" he replied.

"That's along time, I'm going to miss Wick and I'm sure your sister is going to be lost without Lincoln" she noted.

"Yeah, I'm not to excited about it myself, I used to go without a second thought. This time it's different." he trailed off.

"Why's that?" Raven asked.

"I don't know just feel more of an attachment to home now then ever before"

"More attachment to home, or more attachment to Clarke?" she pried.

"Clarke" he replied, her head shot up shocked he admitted it but then realized he was looking past her.

"You look amazing" he smile standing. Raven saw Clarke walking towards them.

"And just like that I disappeared" Raven laughed slipping out of the kitchen.

"Thanks, you too" she smiled.

He kissed her on the cheek and they headed out the door.


She had fun all day with him, but now she was nervous, dinner with just the two of them felt like an actual date. She wasn't really sure what to think.

"Relax, you're acting weird" Bellamy smiled at her. She scolded herself, apparently her anxiety was evident.

Sorry, in my head I guess" she replied.

"Well stay out of it and just enjoy the night" he waved a waitress over. She walked to him with a big smile.

"What can I get you?"

"Can We get Jack and coke and a cranberry and vodka please?" he ordered.

"Of course, I'll be right back" she took the order and walked towards the bar.

"Maybe that will take the edge off you?" he suggested.

"I'm sorry I just, It's weird without everyone else."

"I wanted one night, with just you, after tonight you will see me Saturday's and Sunday only during the day and that's it. Training will be overnight during the week and we have to report early on Mondays and the days we aren't in the field."

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