Chapter 32

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Clarke woke up in Bellamy's arms, her head pounding, probably from all of Octavia's screeching and yelling over the excitement of the baby at dinner. She snuggled closer to Bellamy, he tightened his grasp signaling he was also awake. She glanced out the window, it was relatively light but no sun yet, she was guessing it was somewhere between 5:30am & 6:30am.

"Go back to sleep." he grumbled.

"I can't sleep, I have a headache." she sighed.

She felt his fingers slide through her hair as he gently massaged her scalp.


"Just being next to you helps" she smiled. After a few minutes he noticed she fell back to sleep, he took that time to slip out of the room and make her breakfast. It was almost done when she came down the hall.

"I was going to bring it to you in bed" he sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't know where you went, I came to investigate" she walked up behind him wrapping her arms around him. He laid his hand on top of hers before pulling it up to his lips to place a kiss on it.

"Go sit, I'll bring your plate over" he motioned to the table, 2 steaming cups of coffee in front of their seats. She made her way to her seat pulling her coffee to her as he sat down sliding a huge omelet and what looked like half of a pound of bacon in front of her.

"Wow, that's a lot of food"

"Your eating for two now" he smiled. She knew that saying was directed towards nutrition and not the amount consumed but she didn't tell him, he looked so happy and proud at that moment she couldn't correct him.

"Well I'd say we are well fed. Thank you. " she smiled before eating a slice of bacon.

"Tomorrow O has a big dinner planned" Clarke stated.

"I figured, she always does right before I leave"

"It will go fast, you'll be so excited about the baby, time will fly by"

"I hope so, being out there has a way of slowing time down sometimes"

"Nothing can make time move slower than you dwelling on it" she reached across the table taking his hand.

"You are right" he smiled.

"What time do you have to go into work?"

"Ten, should be home by two"

She looked at her watch, 9:00am flashed back at her.

"Leaves you enough time to finish your food, and shower" He stood popping the last piece of toast in his mouth before depositing the plate in the sink. She moved behind him wrapping up 1/2 of hers.

"You weren't hungry?" he asked concerned.

"I was, I will eat the rest for lunch, that was a lot, plus I was hoping you could make room in that shower for me too" She looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Like I'd say no" he laughed pulling her down the hall with him.

**SMUT Beyond This Point, If you aren't a Smut Lover see you in the next chapter**

The hot waster cascaded down their entwined bodies, not that either one of them felt it, the need to be close consumed them.

Bellamy pinned her against the wall his lips leaving marks along her neck and collarbone, eliciting a moan every time. Clarke felt like she was going to combust if he wasn't inside of her soon. He moved to his knees, Clarke ran her hand through his dark hair, watching as he trailed kisses along her stomach, moving lower and lower each time. He tapped her ankle urging her to spread her legs further apart, once her moved she felt his fingers work up her inner thighs slowly, before moving back down. At this point she couldn't tell if it was the shower or her body, but she felt beyond hot and wet. He moved towards her and she could feel his breath ghosting over exactly where she wanted to feel him. His finger lightly traced her slit before slowly dipping into her a little at a time. He looked up watching her reaction to his touch. He loved doing things like this for her, but there was nothing he loved more than watching her fall apart at his touch. He added a finger sliding them in deep, his fingers were making her weak, her one hand moved to the shower wall to steady herself, the other gripped his shoulder, he took that as a sign and leaned in dragging his tongue over her clit. Her grip tightened encouraging him to continue, between his hands and his mouth she could feel the pressure in her building, she wasn't sure he could take much more.

"Bell, I want to feel you" she begged.

"Oh you will, When I'm ready" his voice dripping with want about drove her over the edge.

"I can't hold out" she breathed.

"Don't baby, Come for me, Let me taste you." she moaned as his mouth continued bringing her to the edge.

"Bell, Please, don't stop" he felt her grip tighten and she slid down the wall slightly as he dove his tongue into her tasting everything she gave. She shook uncontrollably willing her legs to hold her up. He moved his fingers slowly until the shaking stopped, he stood taking in her appearance. Her head thrown back, wet strands of hair stuck to her face and her lips parted slightly. She was beautiful, truly beautiful. He crashed his lips into hers. She could taste herself on him, turning her on again. Her need for him was insatiable.

"I want to taste you" she pulled him to her closer.

"I don't have time, later" he promised before pressing her against the wall, he lifted her one leg, positioning his hard cock at her entrance, he slid into her slowly as he lifted the other leg and held her tightly against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck letting her lips trail along his shoulder and he moved in and out of her.

"Clarke you are so fucking tight" he ground out, his movements speeding up.

"Bellamy, fuck, your going to make me come again, that spot"

"Just like that?"

"God yes, yes" she cried out her body shaking around him. He slammed into her needing his own release.

"Clarke" he growled pulling her close as he spilled his seed inside of her, his grip tightening as the waves of his orgasm washed over him. He pulled back slightly placing light gentle kisses on her lips and nose causing her to smile.

"Okay, now I have to go to work, I'm not even entirely sure I'm clean" he laughed kissing her again before slipping out of the shower.

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