Chapter 14

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4 days, 4 physical therapy sessions, that's how many Clarke had her intern take over with Bellamy.

He was finishing up his last stretches for the day, with her. The past few days on his mind. She avoided all his calls and text's, wasn't even opening them.

He called Octavia the day before only to be told she thought Clarke had the flu, said she didn't feel well and hasn't been out of her room since the day of his doctors appointment for longer then it takes her to shower.

He stood thanking the intern, just as Sgt. Emerson walked over.

"Where's Clarke?" he asked. Bellamy ignored the question.

"Poor thing was all teary when she left here the other day" he continued.

Bellamy stiffened turning towards him.

Emerson put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Hey, I was just asking where she was." he added before walking away.

It took Bellamy roughly three minutes to get a hold of Wick and have him drive him to his sisters house.

Octavia opened the door after she heard the aggressive knock.

"Bell? whats up?" she asked. Wick slipped behind her and closed the door.

"Where's Clarke?"

"I told you sick" she replied honestly.

He made his way down the hallway.

"Clarke" he called. When she didn't answer he began banging on the door.

"Bellamy! I told you shes sick! What has gotten into you?" Octavia yelled moving between him and the door.

"Clarke open the door or Ill have wick kick it in." Bellamy called.

"Dude, I'm not kicking the door in" Wick laughed not entirely sure what was going on.

"Bellamy, I said enough, back off!" Octavia shoved him back in the hall.

"Octavia, she doesn't have the flu, and it has nothing to do with you"

"Bell, it's my God damn house, you are my brother and she's my best friend, and so help me God you are not going in there unless you are invited. Cool off."

He looked down at his sister.

"Octavia, I need to know she's okay." he pleaded.

Octavia could see fear in his eyes. It wasn't something she could recall ever seeing.

"What happened?"

"I don't know because there's a door between me and her"

Octavia spun around knocking on the door.

"Clarke open the door, or wick's taking it down" she yelled.

"Well that escalated quickly. I'm not taking the door down" Wick added from the kitchen where he was safely watching everything unfold.

"Clarke!" Bellamy yelled.

He heard the door unlock and swung it open hitting her foot with it.

"Damn it Bell, could you at least let me get out of the way." she cursed rubbing her foot as she sat back at her desk, facing away from him.

"Clarke look at me" he stated.

"Bellamy you see me, I'm fine, Now unless you are going to continue to act like a two year old I'd love some quiet to get my work done"

"Look at me or I'm not leaving" he added, Octavia leaned on the door frame waiting for her to turn around.

He moved to her squatting next to her chair and spinning her to face him. He heard Octavia's sharp intake of breath, Wick stepped in and shut the door lightly taking Octavia out with him.

Clarke had her eyes closed, tears ran down her cheeks. Her right cheek was a dark shade of purple that traveled up around her eye, he could see where it was still slightly swollen.

"Clarke, open your eyes" his voice was soft, he moved his hand to her face swiping tears away with his thumb.

Her eyes met his.

"I'm sorry Bell" she apologized.

"What? you have nothing to be sorry for." he replied.

"I tried to get out of the elevator, he's trying to antagonize you, he wants you to start a fight"


"Emerson, I thought if I could just wait it out until its light enough to cover with makeup it would be fine" she added.

"Damn it Clarke, I don't need you to protect me" he yelled. Clarke jumped slightly, startled by the outburst.

"It's my job to make sure you are not red flagged. That's what I'm doing" she replied standing and matching his tone.

"Not at your expense it isn't" he snapped. He ran a hand over his face.

"I'd take being red flagged any day over you getting hurt"

"Bellamy, are you done? because I have work to do?" Clarke asked brushing him off.

"No I'm not done" his voice filled her room. She turned to face him.

"You need to leave with your platoon, they need you Bellamy, you inspire them. They can't do it without you and I'm going to make sure you are beside them, but you have to trust me" Clarke pleaded.

"I'm going.." he stated, turning away from her. She slipped between him and the door.

"Nowhere, you are not going anywhere mad, not starting any fights or anything. I am fine, I wasn't stuck up in my room because I was hurt, I was avoiding you hurting somebody" she sighed. He looked past her at the door.

"Clarke, I cant even look at you without wanting to kill Emerson" he ground out through his teeth.

"Looking at me used to do something entirely different to you" she smiled. His eyes moved to hers, seeing the humor in them took the edge off the anger riddling his body.

His mouth moved down to hers in a bruising kiss, leaving her lips sore when he pulled away.

"I have to go, I have duty in an hour" he stated, looking down at his watch.

She nodded stepping out of the way, he tilted her chin up to make her look at him.

"No fighting, I promise. I'll be back tomorrow night" he leaned in kissing her gently, with more emotion, before leaving her breathless in her doorway.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now