Chapter 40

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Clarke walked back and forth pushing Aurora in her stroller, keeping her moving was the key to keeping her happy. The plane landed twenty minutes ago and the doors should be opening any second.

"How long can it take for the Commanding Officer to give his spiel?" Octavia huffed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"I don't know, but Clarke's making me crazy with the pacing and you with the bouncing" Raven Stated, tightening her pony tail for the fourth time in ten minutes. She stood with her hands on her hips, wishing for her sake and sanity that they would move it along. As if God sympathized with her, the doors opened.

The girls stood together watching one by one as Marines stepped off and made there way to their family. Lincoln was the first one of them to emerge, his eyes locked on O as soon as his feet hit the ground. He was all smiles as he lifted Octavia off the ground and spun her around. Pulling her to the side as he assaulted her mouth with his own.

Raven was moving Aurora's blanket down when Wick came up behind her, he ran his hand down her ass causing her to jump and spin around. Before she could scold him he pulled her to him and captured her lips with his. Both full of smiles when they pulled apart. Wick knelt down to talk to Aurora.

"Your daddy is somewhere on that plane, a little slower now a days but he's coming" He smiled as she watched him closely. Lincoln kissed Clarke on the cheek before talking to Aurora softly. He was a smiles when he coaxed a smile out of her. Octavia started to unbuckle her.

"What's all the commotion over here?" His voice came from behind Lincoln, and Clarke would be a liar if she said it didn't awaken every sense in her body. He stepped out around them all smiles, eyes locked on Clarke. He was scruffy and she wasn't complaining, a slight limp when he walked but unharmed, the relief she felt upon seeing him was enough that it felt like everything was right again, all the stars aligned. She took a step towards him only to be pulled into his arms, he held her tightly, he took a deep breath, the smell of her coconut conditioner surrounding him. Her grip tightened, her head buried in his chest.

"I have missed you so much" he sighed kissing the top of her head. She nodded, not trusting her voice. He tipped her head up and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Her eyes locked on his before her hand moved to the back of his neck pulling him down for a deeper one.

"Ahem, Before you two get to carried away, someone else would like to meet you." Octavia's voice pulled them apart. She handed Aurora to Bellamy. Aurora looked up at him, taking everything in.

"Hi beautiful, I'm your daddy, I'm so glad to be home with you" he smiled, she stretched and let out a yawn, before holding onto his finger. Clarke watched him teary eyed, She waited for this moment for nine months and now that it was here it felt surreal. He looked up at Clarke.

"She's beautiful" he whispered. Clarke nodded smiling.

"That she is"

"Take's after you" he whispered back, stealing a kiss over the baby.

"Lets go home" Lincoln called walking with Octavia towards the cars.

Bellamy pulled Clarke to him, kissing her again.

"I am home"


16 Month's later


"She's going to kill me" Bellamy dropped his head in his hands.

"Your a Marine Bellamy, she knows what your job entails" Lincoln reasoned.

"Doesn't mean she likes it" Wick laughed.

Bellamy groaned from the office chair. He just got an email that his platoon would be deploying in six months.

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