Chapter 12

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He woke up seeing a flood of blonde curls in front of him. He could feel her soft breath on his arm.

Her leg was over top of his and she was tucked close to his side. He shifted slightly planning a silent escape, when her body weight lifted off of him. Her head tilted back and their eyes met.

"How did you sleep?" she asked bringing her hand up to run through her hair.

"Uh, good actually " he replied, he was taking in all her beauty, smudged makeup and crazy hair. He was certain he had never seen anyone so beautiful.

"Get going before you get caught" she smiled giving him a playful nudge.

*****Smut Alert If its not your thing scroll through to the next line of asterix *****

He turned rolling so he hovered above her. He brought his lips down to hers in a bruising kiss, her body reacted giving him a slight moan as she arched up into him. That was all the invitation he needed, his hand moved along her side caressing her softly, sliding under her shirt as his lips found her neck. He wanted this all week, there was no holding back, no slowing down. Her nails cut into his shoulder as she felt his teeth on her skin. He slid her shirt up high enough for her to pull it off. He trailed light kisses over her now exposed breasts.

He loved the little noises she made, the way her breathing changed, the way she watched him intently.

His mouth found her nipple drawing it between his teeth, he couldn't help but smirk when he saw her fist the blankets.

He pulled back to look at her.

"You said you like being ever been tied up?" he asked.

"" she replied.

"I'd love to tie you up" he whispered.

"We don't have time"

"Not now, another day"

"Good because I want you, inside me." her voice was husky and he groaned standing to rid his shorts and underwear.

She slipped out of her clothes. She moved over so he could lay down.

"Not today, I want to take you, will you bend over for me?" she hesitated.

"You like being told what to do right?" she nodded shyly.

"Clarke bend over for me, I want you on your hands and knees in front of me." his voice was rough and she was nervous, she always wanted this, Finn wasn't up for it and that about summed up her love life.

She did as she was told and jumped slightly when his hands ran over her ass.

"Relax, this is for you" he whispered.

His hand moved between her legs lightly dragging a finger along her opening.

"Your so wet for me"

" I am, just for you" she had no idea what comments like that did to him. They awoken a primal possessive instinct he didn't even know he had.

"You are just for me" he added possessively.

"I am yours, please let me feel you" he let out a moan as she pushed back towards him. He stood behind her pulling her to the edge of the bed.

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