Chapter 39

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The medic paused standing in front of many worried faces, once he landed on the familiar faces he moved towards them. Lincoln and Wick stood.

"I take it neither one of you is Clarke?"

"That's his girlfriend"

"Well you'll be happy to know he's stable. I dug two bullets out and sewed him up, it's going to be touch and go, he lost a lot of blood"

"Can we see him?"

"Yeah, try and talk some sense into him, I told him we were going to move him to the hospital and once safe to travel, he would be sent to the states. He's stuck on staying with his platoon"

"Thanks Doc, I don't know that we can change his opinion but we will mention it" Wick answered before they headed for the medical tent.

They pulled back the flap, Bellamy was sitting reclined on a bed.

He smiled seeing his friends.

"How do you feel?" Wick asked.

"Good, Sore, Tired"

"Well you did get shot twice" Lincoln added.

"Doc said they want to fly you out "

"I'm not going, we have six weeks left, I'm seeing it through."

"Yes, why would you want to be there for the birth of your daughter?" Wick asked sarcastically.

"I can't show up there like this, if she's not in labor I'm sure news of me being shot will put her over the edge."

"I get that, I'd go though" Lincoln added.

"I'll be good in a few days, we are going home soon, I'm not throwing all of the work we did here away, I may not be allowed in the field but there is plenty I can do around here." Bellamy argued.

"It's your choice, We were just making sure that you are sure" Wick huffed.

"I'm sure" he stated. The guys left it alone and sat with him for awhile before letting him sleep and heading back to the tent to do the same.

The next day Bellamy slept a lot, his body needed the rest and needed time to restore itself. The guys visited briefly, he was ornery and so were they, between the deployment, the heat, and him being stubborn they were all ready to go home, whether or not they would admit it.

Friday morning Wick carried Bellamy's bag into the med tent dropping in on the end of his cot. Only to find him hooked to a few IV's, paler than the day before.

"What's that?" he asked, motioning to the fluids.

"I started bleeding last night, must have moved wrong, they got it under control though"

"You need to write Clarke and tell her" Wick motioned to the bag.

"She doesn't need to know" Bellamy snapped.

"She does and you are more than aware how news like this travels so either you tell her or someone else will, mail goes out at noon, it's ten, I'll be back to grab the letter." Lincoln stated sharply before heading out into the sun.

Bellamy sighed grabbing the bag, he pulled out a notebook and a pencil. Tapping the notebook with the pencil a few times, thinking of the best way to write it out. He sat up more clenching his teeth to bite back the pain and moving to a comfortable position before bringing the pen to the paper.


Raven and Octavia wore a path in the floor between the nursery and ICU. They would take turns leaving to shower, sleep, and walk Aella.

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