Chapter 1

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Clarke and Octavia had met each other in college, they became instant friends and moved into together sophomore year. Octavia's brother Bellamy would come to visit every holiday and Clarke would make it a point to make herself scarce. He wasn't a bad person. He was extremely easy on the eyes, hell, she could admire him for hours as long as he didn't open his mouth. He served his country, he was a Marine. He was arrogant and hot headed, and thought of his own presence as a gift. He usually pissed Clarke off in a short period of time and then Octavia would end up being upset because all they did was fight. Coincidently the girls lived in Stafford Virginia, Next to the Quantico Marine Corps base, however lucky for Clarke it wasn't the one Bellamy was stationed at.

Thanksgiving was a disaster and Clarke was sure this time would be no different.

They just put the Christmas tree up when the doorbell rang, Clarke fought the cringe that was begging to be let out and added more vodka to her drink. She managed to paint a smile on just in time for Octavia to return with her brother.

"Bellamy" she greeted with a smile.

"Clarke" he replied, not bothering to pretend to like her.

There, that was it, the extent of their civility.

"I'm gonna go get some gym time in and finish my shopping, you two have fun and I'll see you later" Clarke stated downing her drink and grabbing her purse on the way to the door.

"Clarke, you shouldn't be driving" Octavia stated in a hushed tone.

"Oh I know, I'm gonna walk...I consider that gym time." she sent her friend a smile and closed the door. She had Raven on the phone before she even hit the top of the steps.

"Let me guess the Dream Marine has arrived." Raven answered.

"Not funny Reyes!" Clarke grumbled stepping out into the cold.

"How long is he here? I don't know why you two just can't get along, everyone else likes him."

"Too long, and good for everyone else, do they want a cookie?" she replied obviously pissy.

"I'm sure they would love a cookie, peanut butter if your baking" Raven laughed.

"I hate you"

"Oh yeah?, so you called me for?"

"I need you to pick me up and take me to two stores so I can finish shopping, please"

"Where is your car?"

"Home, I may have had a drink or two in anticipation of a certain arrival"

"I thought you hated me"

"It's a love hate thing" Clarke offered.

"mmmhmmm maybe you should try that with"

"Don't even say it, I'm almost there, I'll wait downstairs" Clarke could hear her laughter before she hung up on her.

"You know for a top notch physical therapist who has to deal with people everyday, you are not a people person" Raven lectured the second she saw her.

"Shut it Reyes, I am a people person, there is just certain people I do not fair well with!"

" Who do you need to shop for? "

" My stuff for Octavia came in, I need to pick it up at Macy's, and I need to get asshole something, as he always seems to get something for me, even though we don't talk at all"

"It's called common consideration, glad to see your letting the holiday spirit take over" Raven smiled.

"Okay well seeing as you speak to him, what do I get?"

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