Chapter 3

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Dinner went off without a hitch, Clarke avoided Bellamy and any conversation that he partook in.

They all crowded the living room, getting ready to put "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on. It was their tradition and Clarke was not particularly sold on the idea. In all actuality she would rather just sit by herself in her room. It probably wasn't healthy but solitude didn't bother her, she enjoyed it. She sat on the floor and the second she leaned on the couch she thought of the events of the night before.

She couldn't help but wonder how often that happened, or if anyone except her has woken him up from that.

She moved her wrist, the soreness reminding her of how scared she was. He needed help. She knew better than to say anything to him or his sister. She was thankful he was only there in her house for the next few days.

Bellamy sat on the other end of the couch watching her roll her wrist. The guilt was eating at him. He apoligized, but still felt like it wasn't enough. It pissed him off that she didnt yell at him and that she wasnt mad, she just dismissed it like it was normal. He was thankful in one aspect that she kept it to herself, but at the same time it made him feel worse that she just accepted it.

Clarke stood halfway through the movie, going to refill her glass. She felt warm and fuzzy, she was officially one glass over the line. She leaned on the counter listening to the commentary filter through the wall, Octavia and Raven reciting the movie. She shook her head glancing around the kitchen. She took a second and wiped the counter down. Just as she turned a gift was placed on the counter she just wiped clean.

"That's for you" Bellamy stated.

"Bellamy, I didn't want anything, you dont even like me. Why bother?"

"Clarke humor me, and I don't dislike you, you just aggravate me." He gave her a smirk, Sliding the gift closer to her.

"Follow me" She motioned grabbing the gift and heading towards her room. He hesitated before falling in step behind her. He stopped at the doorway as she entered her room. It was the first time he had ever even gotten a glimpse in there. She liked darker tones, her comforter black and dark red making her normally light skin look very pale. An easel in the corner, a t.v. and a desk with a laptop against the opposite wall. The room was big, but the darker colors and tons of stuff she had made it appear smaller. She grabbed a gift off her desk and handed it to him.

"What's this? " He asked.

"For you"

"Well well, and here I thought you hated me." he chuckled after receiving a look.

"Open it" she urged.

"I will, open yours first." He nodded to the wrapped item on her bed. She sat down and un wrapped it. The second she pulled the wrapping off she knew Octavia helped him, and that it cost a pretty penny.

"Bellamy, this is too much" She spoke to him but her eyes never left the two sets. A brand new expensive oil paint set and a top brand charcoal drawing set. Her eyes roamed over the colors.

"It's not to much, you do alot for my sister, I'm glad you like it" he replied unwrapping

his gift.

Clarke watched him closely trying to gauge his reaction. His face broke out into a smile.

"Thank you, this is the one I wanted" he smiled flipping it over and reading the back.

"Everything alright?" Octavia's voice startled them.

"Uh yeah" Bellamy replied.

"Yeah" Clarke smiled. Octavia glanced at her lap.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now