Chapter 23

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Clarke checked the time before she spread her papers in front of her, waiting on Bellamy and Major Kane. She pulled up his statistics on her lap top just as the door opened.

She stood smiling, extending her hand.

"Major Kane, Sergeant Blake" she shook their hands, shooting Bellamy a look.

"Please sit" she offered as she sat.

"So Ms. Griffin, Sgt. Blake has been following the exercise's through out training and someone from your office came out yesterday and did a evaluation of his abilities, what is it looking like for deployment." Major Kane asked

"He's deploying without a doubt, he's exceeded the bar we set, he's got full mobility, he has to keep up with the exercise's until he deploys to strengthen those muscles as much as possible but he's further than we expected at this point." She replied handing him the sheets.

"That's great to hear, Sgt. Blake great job, your commitment to your platoon is commendable."

"Thank you Maj. Kane" he responded as they stood.

Clarke stood also, admiring Bellamy in his cammies.

"When we get back pack your bags, you are going to Twentynine Palms for three weeks for training, we leave in the morning, I'm telling the rest of your unit when we return" Major Kane informed him.

"Ms. Griffin, always a pleasure" he nodded stepping out of the office.

She felt like all the air was sucked out of her lungs, That just cut their time in half. As if he could read her mind Bellamy spoke up.

"Maj. Kane, if you could give us a second, I'll be two steps behind you"

"I'll be outside" he nodded heading towards the elevator. Bellamy clicked her office door shut and pressed her against it. His lips crashed into hers as his hands moved to her hips holding her still. She pulled him closer needing more, he groaned before placing a light kiss to her lips and pulling away.

"We leave tomorrow"

"I heard" she responded pulling him in for another kiss, he took her hand intertwining there hands.

"That wasn't part of the plan"

"I know, I'll be waiting for you to come back." she smiled kissing him again.

"I don't want to let go of you" he smiled resting his forehead on hers.

"That makes two of us but their was originally three of us, and I'm sure Maj. Kane is checking his watch in the car right now" Clarke laughed. He smiled down at her giving her one last soft kiss.

"I love you Clarke, see you in a few weeks" he let go of her hand opening her door.

"See you in a few weeks Bell, Safe travels, text me when you get there."

"Eventually you are going to have to admit to yourself that you love me enough to say it every now and then" he threw her one last smile, before walking away down the hall, She smiled leaning on the door frame watching him walk away. Once he turned the corner she stepped back in her office shutting the door.

Four hours later she walked through the door drained from work, and emotionally spent from overthinking everything Bellamy related.

She threw her keys on the island kicking the door shut, slipping her shoes off and heading for her room. The house was dark now but Octavia should be home any minute, she flicked the dining room light on so there was some light. Stopping to admire the roses on the table. She peaked at the card expecting to see Octavia's name. Instead 'CLARKE' was written across the front. She set her bag on the chair plucking the card from the flowers.

She flipped it over to read it,


I love you and can't wait to be back in your arms.


She smiled pulling out her cellphone, she pulled up Bellamy in her text messages and grabbed her bag using talk to text as she made her way down the hallway. She clicked the microphone.

"Thank you Bellamy, they are beautiful beyond words." she spoke as she opened her door.

She looked up to find candles placed all over her room, their light flickering on the walls. Her bag slid off her shoulder and she set her card from the flowers on the dresser. Bellamy sat on her bed watching her.

"The flowers are okay, you are beautiful beyond words" he stated, he reached for her hand gently pulling her to him. She stood in front of him looking down at him.

"Bell, I, what is this?" she motioned to the candles.

"You didn't think I was leaving for 3 weeks and that lousy kiss in your office was my goodbye did you?" she nodded.

"My plane leaves at 3am but until then I intend to spend my time with you" He smiled.

"I don't know what to say, I would have grabbed food, I don't think there is even stuff to make here, O and I need to go shopping" she sighed.

"I have take out in the kitchen on the counter" he smiled.

"You thought of everything" she leaned down pressing her lips to his lightly.

"I've done nothing but think of you since this afternoon at the meeting, let's get something to eat. I'm not starved but I want time to love you thoroughly tonight" he smiled leading her to the dining room. She bit her lip feeling her face heat with anticipation.

He pulled out a chair for her to sit. She slid into the seat.

"Do you need help?" she asked hearing him opening cabinets.

"Nope, you stay put, I got this" he came out with two plates of chicken francese, setting them down and returning to the kitchen. He reappeared with silverware and two wine glasses, the bottle of wine tucked under his arm.

He handed her silverware and poured them both a glass of white wine.

"I didn't take you for romantic Bellamy" she twirled the pasta on her fork watching him do the same.

"I'm not for just anybody" his eyes met hers and she couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, for all of this"

"Don't thank me, you deserve this"

She may deserve it, all of it, but would she let herself have it?

"mmm this is amazing" she complimented.

"I have plans for after dinner too, I'm hoping get the same reaction" he sent her a smile before digging into his dinner.

She blushed as excitement raced through her anticipating her evening.

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