Chapter 31

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Clarke couldn't sleep and she could hear Bellamy moving around signalling he wasnt sleeping either.

She glanced at the clock, 2:45am

She rolled over to face him. His eyes met hers.

"What are you thinking about?" she whispered.

"You, deploying, the baby, the dog, my sister, keeping Lincoln and Wick safe so they come home with me, and O and Raven don't kill me"

"Stop thinking, and just relax. Everything will be fine." Clarked moved up and layed on her back and Bellamy moved to her side laying his head on her chest and wrapping his arm around her. She ran her fingers through his hair lightly.

"How can YOU say that? I know you overthink everything" he chuckled lightly, closing his eyes and melting from her touch.

"Exactly, Worrying is my thing, you let me handle that. You take care of you, in nine months I want to stand on that tarmac and see you step off that plane. If your worrying about everything here that leaves you vunerable there. I got this Bell, no worrying" she felt him squeeze her tighter.

"I'll write all the time, and call as often as I can"

"I know" she smiled hearing his breathing start to relax.

"And I will answer all your letters and your calls, and I will be there waiting for you to walk into my arms"

"I love you" he mumbled lightly

"I love you most" She whispered back.


Light shone through the window illuminating the room. Clarke must have fell asleep sometime after Bellamy, he was still in the same position sound asleep. She reached for her phone and took a selfie with him sleeping. He looked so peaceful she didn't dare move him. She watched him sleep knowing she was going to miss this next week. She moved her finger tips along his shoulder and he jumped slightly causing her to smile.

"I thought you were asleep"

"I was, kind of, you scared me" he smiled picking his head up to kiss her.

He deepend the kiss.

You could hear the bathroom door open.

"Bellamy Blake, what the fuck happened to the wall?" Octavia yelled before banging on their door. He could feel Clarke's mouth smile under his lips. He pulled away,

"Oh, its funny is it?"

She nodded biting her lip, He moved to kiss her again, as soon as she closed her eyes he began to tickle her, she let out a screech and they wrestled around ignoring the persistant knocking. Eventually it stopped.

Around two in the afternoon they found there way to the kitchen.

Clarke was getting stuff out of the fridge, Lincoln leaned towards Bellamy.

"Are you going to get a nine month supply in four days?" he just smirked in return.

"What's so funny?" Clarke asked eyeing the two of them.

Bellamy shook his head and Lincoln sat down grabbing an apple out of the bowl on the island. She poured coffee glancing at him again.

"What? nothings funny, I'm just happy" he smiled at her.

"Mmmhmm" she repliced skeptical before leaving in search of Octavia.

She found her and Raven on the back patio.

Octavia stood seeing her, getting ready to go in the house and find Bellamy.

"Is my brother in there? Did you see the wall?" she asked.

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