Chapter 13

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Bellamy was on the last ten minute stretch of his workout and his leg was burning in places he didn't even know it could, Clarke was pushing hard today and he was grateful, he was also counting down the minutes till she would stop.

It felt like an hour but eventually the ten minutes passed. He moved to the floor and she lifted his leg stretching it out.

"You did good Blake" she smiled.

"You, you could work in a terrorist prison camp." he replied catching his breath.

Her laughter made him smile.

"I'm glad you find it funny" he said sitting up.

She handed him a paper,

"Here, new at home exercises, every night before bed."

"I could think of an exercise every night before bed" he smiled. She rolled her eyes.

"Dream on Blake, See you around" she smiled grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

She made it to her car when her phone buzzed. She started her car and looked down at her message.

Bellamy: Want to come over later?

She sighed. She wanted to write yes, but she wouldn't give in.

Clarke: Nope, have plans. Sorry.

Her phone buzzed by the time she got to the stop sign.

Bellamy: With Who?

Clarke: Octavia, and no crashing. Us girls need our time too.

She replied quickly. She checked her phone when she got home. No response so either he was grouchy or he accepted the answer and moved on.

She opened the door to see Octavia at the counter. Knowing Bellamy probably checked her story Clarke was gonna stick to it.

"Hey, wanna grab pizza and pick a movie tonight, its been awhile since it's just been the two of us." Clarke asked.

"Of course! How did you know I was home?"

"I didn't I was just hoping" Clarke replied.

"Why are you avoiding my brother?"

"Are you serious? why do I always avoid your brother? because hes an ass." Clarke replied.

Octavia held her hands up in defense.

"I was just asking" she laughed.

"What do you want on your pizza" Clarke asked, Changing the topic.


Three movies, one pizza, and a carton of ice cream later the girls called it a night and both headed to bed.

Clarke woke up to her cell phone ringing, she searched the nightstand, finally finding it.

Bellamy's name flashed across the screen along with the time. 3:05am

Clarke sighed rubbing her eyes before sliding the green phone over to answer the call.

"It's 3 am Bell" she sighed snuggling back into her pillow.

She pulled the blankets up to her neck waiting for a response.

"Bellamy?" she asked in the silence.

"Clarke, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called" he slurred.

"Have you been drinking?" she asked.

"Yeah, I need a ride. I'm at Hard Times"

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