Chapter 19

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Bellamy had been awake for awhile, the sun pouring into her room through the window above the bed. He pulled Clarke closer to him and just held her when she slept. he kissed her forehead lightly. He was just about to wake her up gently when the banging on her bedroom door made him jump and yanked her out of a deep sleep.

He stood slipped on boxers and unlocked the door, pulling it open, Clarke rubbed her eyes stretching under the covers.

"What is your problem?" he asked his sister. Octavia stood in the door way holding out her hand.

"You owe me $50"

"For what? and that couldn't wait till we were up?" Bellamy asked grabbing his wallet off the floor. He handed her the $50 and she slapped a receipt in his hand.

"And no it couldn't wait, you had no problem keeping all of us awake" she snapped heading down the hallway. He closed the door shaking his head.

"She's awful touchy this morning" he laughed. He sat on the bed next to Clarke.

"So what's the receipt for?" she asked.

"Ear plugs, Melatonin, Coffee, Coffee Filters and a Pillow" he read the items off.

"Only Octavia" Clarke laughed pulling him down for a kiss.

"I suppose we should get up, I think they were hoping to go to the beach today" Bellamy yanked the covers off Clarke.

She shrieked,

"That's not nice" she laughed grabbing her clothes from the dresser.

"Depends on your point of view" he smirked getting dressed.

"And Clarke, no shrieking, I can only afford to be fined for noise so many times a week" he laughed crumpling up the receipt and throwing it at her.


The guys headed to base to get ready, and called the girls when they were headed off base and back into town so they could all meet at the gas station on the corner. The girls filled the car with gas and were inside grabbing snacks and drinks for the ride. Wick pulled up to the gas pumps and started filling the car while Bellamy and Lincoln headed inside for snacks. Clarke was at the register in jean shorts and beach cover up that you could clearly see her low cut bathing suit through. Clarke turned to look at him in swim shorts and and a t-shirt but couldn't help but laugh, blush covering her cheeks when he lowered his sunglasses to give her the once over, letting out a whistle.

"Bellamy stop, we are in public" she whispered.

"That's good I like to let people know your mine Clarke" he spoke loudly, She paid for her snacks and hurried off to the car shaking her head.

They spent all day at the beach. Bellamy & Clarke laid in the sand as Octavia devoted an hour to burying Lincoln in the sand, and Raven and Wick played Frisbee for awhile.

"You ready to go swimming?" he asked running his fingers up her side. She squirmed away from him.

"That tickles" she smiled.

"That didn't answer my question" he laughed stretching before standing.

"It's probably cold"

"Well we are going to find out, come on"

"Why don't you go test it and let me know?" she looked past him to the waves. He laughed.

"Yeah I'll get right on that" he scooped her up and moved her over his shoulder.

"Bellamy, put me down"

"I will"

"Bellamy Blake" she scolded in the best pretend angry voice she could, but she couldn't hide the smile in her voice.

"Clarke Griffin" he mimicked, he walked out in the water.

"Your right it is cold" he laughed. Before she could respond he set her down in waist deep water just as a wave crashed over them.

He heard her gasp from the temperature of the water but laughed seeing her hair across her face and dripping water from the wave. She opened her eyes to see him in front of her pretty amused by the whole situation. She didn't even have a chance to stand all the way on her own before it hit her, she pushed her hair to the side, out of her face. Before she could say anything he pulled her to him and kissed her just as another wave hit. He felt her grab onto him to steady herself. He pulled back pushing another loose strand of hair to the side.

"You really are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." he smiled kissing her again, leaving her breathless.

"Your not so bad yourself" she giggled as he nipped at her neck playfully.

"This is a family beach" a woman with two young kids reminded them as she passed.

"Sorry ma'am" Clarke replied flustered. She pulled away splashing Bellamy.

He lunged towards her and she moved back wagging her finger at him.

"Bellamy, this is a family beach" she stated.


"You think she's going to be okay with him gone?" Octavia asked as the rest of them sat on the blanket watching Clarke and Bellamy in the water.

"You think he's going to be okay?" Raven answered.

"No. I've never seen him like this before" Octavia replied honestly.

"He will be fine, having her makes his fight more personal." Lincoln added.

"He's right, knowing we have you here to come home to, it makes you more focused, we aren't so careless with our decisions, we want to come home, we are there to ensure the fight doesn't come here, Yeah we are protecting our country, but when it comes down to what we are fighting for, we are fighting for you" Wick voiced looking to Raven. She smiled resting her hand on top of his.

"I never thought of it like that, I just don't know how shes going to take him not being here" Octavia stated looking to Lincoln for advice.

"I am sure she will be fine, he doesn't have a choice and she knows that, it's not like he wants to leave, he has too. Plus she's the one getting him ready to deploy, so you would think her transition would be the best one"

"You don't know Clarke, especially seeing as they are lying to each other with this no feelings bullshit." Raven sighed

"I think she will be fine" Wick added hoping to comfort the girls.


Thank you to everyone who has been reading I greatly appreciate it!


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