Chapter 10

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She mentally scolded herself all through the movie, what happened never should have happened. She knew better, she had seen the military break down a relationship, even friendships. She could still feel Bellamy's lips on hers and that pissed her off even more. She stood slipping out of the room and heading to bed. She would wake up in the morning with a clear mind hopefully.

Although you never really wake up if you dont fall asleep. A week had passed of crappy sleep and she was distant, lost in thoughts and could feel her patience was short with Bellamy, and everyone else. In her defense he probably deserved it to some extent. Between her emotions and letting Cage and Emerson get to her, she was an exhausted hot mess. She's never had a patient red flagged, and the thought of that happening was eating her alive. As if the possibility of it wasn't bad enough, it had to be Bellamy. The one person she couldn't afford to let down, not just because Octavia, but because Bellamy had faith in her that she could do it. Thats a career changing move for both of them. No one wants to be red flagged, and you dont want to be the Physical Therapist who couldn't get him ready in time.

Clarke was startled by her phone, going off. She stared at the name flashing on the screen. Bellamy...

She let it ring.

They hadn't so much as flirted since she picked him up for Chinese and a movie with all their friends. Hell he was lucky if he could get more than three words out of her.

She was all business in PT sessions, working him hard and keeping him on his toes. Outside of PT she dodged his calls. He went to the house twice and she left both times complaining to Octavia about all the errands she had to run, before scooting out the back door without so much as a hello.

Her phone dinged, She lifted her head off the bed to look at it.

1 new Text * appeared on the screen.

Her finger hovered above the icon. She sighed giving in and pressing it.

Bellamy: So what's your deal?

Clarke left it unanswered.

It rang again...she sighed turning it off and dropping it on the floor. She groaned hearing the back door open.

She could hear Octavia and Raven talking in the kitchen.

She sat going over papers for more advanced work outs that would keep him moving forward.

She was busy highlighting when her door flew open causing her to jump leaving a light green streak across the paper. Her head shot up to see who the culprit was. There stood Octavia.

"We are going out tonight, we would love for you to come." she leaned on the door just as Ravens head popped in.

"Puh-leaseeeeee" she added.

"I have a lot of work to do" Clarke trailed off.

"I don't know whats up with you, but you need a night out, your coming, or we will just invite everyone here" Octavia through in an ultimatum resulting in Clarke having to answer.

"Out it is" she replied sarcastically.

"Good, be ready by nine" Raven said pulling her door shut behind them.

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