Chapter 9

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Bellamy's head shot up hearing the door slam. He was stretching on the floor when she approached him.

"You did lifts already?" She asked.

"Yeah" he replied taking note of her testy tone.

"Finish your stretches and then you can go" she instructed. He bit back his first choice of response, took a deep breath and went with the second option.

"What was that about?" He asked calmly.

"Nothing, I'll handle it" she snapped before turning and storming off towards the stairs.

He was concerned over the whole thing, but could see she wasn't in the mood to discuss it.

He finished stretches before packing up. He glanced at the window to the office, Emerson and Cage on the computer at the desk. Whatever it was, he would find out, she would tell him eventually. He stopped by the px to grab some stuff before heading back to the barracks. The second he set stuff down in his room his text notification went off.

Clarke: PT off base from here on out.

He sighed shaking his head.

Bellamy: why?

Clarke: Because I said so.

Bellamy: Really? Do I look 5 to you?

Clarke: Bell...

Bellamy: Princess...

Clarke: Don't push your luck.

Bellamy: You going to yell at me, you know how I like that.

Clarke: Not today, feeling kind of submissive

Bellamy: Don't tease

Clarke: I wish you would tease, I could use a tension release.

Bellamy walked to his door locking it before pressing the video call option on his messenger.

He laughed when it flashed back call denied.

Bellamy: C'mon, where's the fun in that?

Clarke: we said text, video makes it personal.

Bellamy: Do you think of me when you pleasure yourself?

Clarke: yeah

Bellamy: It's already personal.

Clarke: Then I guess this is over, that was the whole point to avoid personal.

Bellamy: No the point was being friends with benefits and keeping it quiet. We are still on point.

Clarke: Since when are we friends...

Bellamy pressed video call again, watching it dial. He was surprised when her face came across the screen.

"Well well, the princess has arrived" he joked. She couldn't help but crack a smile. This is why they shouldn't be doing this. She thought he was good looking before, and now that she was around him frequently and they had the benefits thing going, it was making it hard to avoid liking him.

"Yeah, well you know, I have a busy schedule and all" she laughed. He didn't want to admit it but he liked her laugh, he liked her. One step the wrong way and this could potentially be a problem. They couldn't go past this phone thing, if they did he feared there would be no going back.

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