Chapter 30

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She didn't live far so she was home within fifteen minutes. Before she got to the door it opened.

"You don't know how to answer your phone?" Octavia was obviously irritated.

"Meetings ran late, sorry. I didn't get your messages until ten minutes ago, I figured I'd be home by the time I responded."

"Bellamy's in the shower, if you weren't here by the time he got done he was going to look for you" Clarke followed her in shutting the door behind her,

"Sorry, it's been a long day I didn't want to make anyone worry." Clarke looked to Octavia, she willed herself to not to get emotional. As soon as her eyes got teary she could see Octavia soften.

"Yeah, I get it, go unload your stuff, we are going to eat soon" Octavia assumed the deployment weighing heavily on Clarke.

Clarke walked down the hallway opening her door and dropping her messenger bag for work and her personal mini backpack under her desk. Slipping her shoes off she saw Bellamy's sweatshirt was draped over her chair. She slipped it on before making her way back to the kitchen.

Lincoln sent her a wave on the way by.

"Here, you look like you could use this, I put the Vodka and Cranberry in the fridge." Octavia slid a glass of ice her way. She nodded making her way to the fridge, she filled her glass half way with juice and half with bottled water. She knew everyone was coming here tonight and she didn't need the hassle, she was hoping they drank at a pace that allowed her to keep the charade up.

"There you are" Bellamy's voice instantly made her stomach do a flip.

"Sorry meetings ran late" she sipped her drink before kissing him lightly and climbing up onto a bar stool.

He tugged her sleeve.

"Nice sweatshirt, looks familiar"

"Hmm, I don't know, it was in my room, pretty sure that makes it mine" she smiled.

"Looks better on you anyway" he kissed the top of her head handing her Aelle. Clarke snuggled the dog closer to her.

The door opened and Wick, Raven, Finn, Monty and Harper walked in. Before it could close Jasper, Fox and Maya slipped through too. She sent a look to Octavia.

"Word spread" She whispered with an eye roll after seeing Finn and Fox.

"Ohhh look at the puppy" Fox screeched. Her high pitch voice went right through Clarke.

"What's it's name?" she asked reaching for it. Clarke handed her over.

"It's Aelle"

Fox and Finn laughed.

"That's a funny name" Fox commented.

"Kind of like Finn and Fox" Clarke snapped.

"Ohhkay, I think Aelle can take a nap for a bit I just had her out and I set up a crate in our room" Bellamy took the dog from Fox and headed down the room.

"Wow, you moved him right in huh?" Finn asked. Clarke just ignored him.

Bellamy was putting Aelle in her crate when Clarkes phone buzzed on the dresser.

CVS Reminder: Your prescription is ready

He grabbed the phone and brought it out to her.

"Your phone was going off, CVS said you prescription is ready" he smiled.

"Thanks" she slid the phone towards her clicking the link.

Your Prescription of 100ct prenatal vitamins are ready for pick up.

She felt Bellamy behind her.

"Wow someone fucked up that prescription, huh?" he laughed.

"Uh Yeah" Clarke forced a chuckle slipping her phone in her pocket. Her nerves got the best of her, she stood making her way to the bathroom.

"Clarke you okay?" he asked as she picked up pace. He set his drink down and followed her, she barely made it to the toilet in time before throwing up her glass of cranberry juice.

Bellamy clicked the door shut and sat on the edge of the tub pulling her hair back.

"Anything I can get you? Have you felt sick all day?" he asked.

"Everyday for the past week Bellamy, till about 2 O'Clock each day."

"What? Have you gone to the doctor?" she took a deep breath before she pulled her phone out and set it next to him.

"The prescriptions not wrong Bell, I'm 6-8 weeks pregnant" she responded before losing her lunch in the toilet.

"It's mine?" She shot him a look. He raised his hands quickly in apology.

"No not like that, I didn't mean for it to come out like a question, I just, wow"

Clarke flushed and washed her face and hands before sitting next to him on the tub.

"Wow is a good word to sum it up, I've used it a lot today" Clarke added.

"How?" he asked.

"IUD's aren't fool proof, she will take it out Friday when they do an ultrasound"

He stood up leaning over the sink looking in the mirror.

"When did you find out?"


"Why didn't you call me?" he looked at her in the mirror.

"It was a lot to process, it's a baby, a pregnancy you wont be here for, I'm scared Bell"

"Fuck Clarke" he spun around and headed out the door slamming it behind him. She heard him hit the wall a few times, a few seconds of silence passed before the door opened back up. He crossed the bathroom to her and dropped to his knees.

"I won't go, Red flag me, please" he moved between her legs wrapping his arms wrapped around her and rested his forehead on her shoulder.

"No" she replied shakily. Her hand ran through his hair.

"But" he tried to argue but she shut him down.

"I won't do it Bellamy, They need you."

He lifted his head.

"You don't?"

"I'll always need you Bellamy, we will always need you." she moved a hand to her stomach.

"But right now, they need you more."

"I don't want to leave you like this" he whispered.

"I'm not alone, I have O and Raven. Monty, Harper, Jasper, Maya. I will be fine. I promise."

"I'll miss so much" he sighed.

"Actually if your not busy Friday morning, I have an appointment, it will be the first time we get to see the baby"

"Thank you for that, you could've easily made it for next week."

"If you wanted the baby, I knew you would want to go."

"If I wanted the baby? You thought I wouldn't? when did your meetings end today?"

Clarke dropped her head.


"Two! You spent five hours thinking about this, you should've just called me" He sighed standing up and pulling her with him.

"Are we going back out with everyone or do you just want to lay down?"

"I just want to spend time with you"

"Okay, I'll just tell O you aren't feeling well and we are headed to bed." He opened the door, she stepped out assessing the wall.

"You normally put holes in the wall when I don't feel good?" she shook her head stepping into their room.

"Maybe we just won't tell her anything, I'll send her a text" he smiled guiding Clarke further into the room so he could lock the door.

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