Chapter 28

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"She said the L word last night" Bellamy smiled at his two friends as they were crowded around a picnic table eating lunch.

"It's about time" Wick mumbled through his mouth full of sandwich.

"So everything's good?" Lincoln asked.

"Yeah, everything's good. I think this might be my last enlistment though, I know I have almost four years before I re-up again but if this goes the way it is I may not"

"I get that, get out start a family. Hopefully it all works out that way. I don't know that Raven and I will ever end up there. We are having a lot of fun but we are mutual on that's all it is, especially with me leaving soon"

"I could see Octavia and I getting there, but I'm not sure I would leave, might as well put in my twenty at that point and ride it out, retire with benefits. I mean think about it, this is our third round, at the end of these four years we are already over the half way mark."

"Yeah, I see your point, gives me something to think about" Bellamy nodded.

"After 12 years, what's 8 more?" Wick laughed tossing his garbage out, they headed back into work.

On the other side of base Clarke sat in her office sipping her Gatorade, she must have not got enough sleep this week because she felt run down and borderline nauseous all morning. She had two patients in fifteen minutes and was hoping this Gatorade was going to do the trick. She locked up her office and made her way down to the gym, by the time the elevator hit the main floor she finished her drink and felt slightly better.

Once her PT sessions were done she packed up and headed to her car only to see Bellamy leaning against it. She took a second to appreciate his cammie's and how they fit him. He was all smiles as she got closer.

"Sergeant" she greeted. Once she was within arms reach he pulled her to him kissing her.

"I work here Bell" she giggled as his lips moved to her neck.

"Me too coincidently" he nipped her lightly before opening the door for her.

"I can drive" she stated seeing his hand held out for the keys.

"I know you can, but I want too" he smiled as she dropped them into his open palm.

She got in and he closed the door making his way around the car.

"I packed my room up today, O said I can store it at the house?" he looked to her as he got in.

"I don't know if there's room" she tried to hold a straight face, but faltered when he poked her in the ribs making her jump.

They loaded her car at the barracks and unloaded it into her room at the house.

They had the house to themselves so they ordered Chinese and picked some movies on Netflix, one movie in and Bellamy was asleep with his head in Clarke's lap. She watched him sleep for awhile fearing it would be one of the last good nights of sleep he would get. He started to mumble, like he was arguing with someone.

"Shh, it's okay, everything's going to be okay" She whispered as she ran he fingers through his hair lightly, he relaxed, a content sigh left his lips making her smile.

"I'm going to miss this" she whispered looking up at the ceiling to blink back the tears threatening to fall. When she looked back down she met his dark eyes.

"Me too" he whispered before standing. He held out his hand to her.

"Let's go to bed" she took his hand letting him pull her off the couch.

The next morning she woke up tangled up in a mess of sheets and Bellamy, and somewhere she could hear an alarm going off. She felt around her nightstand with one eye open finally landing on it.

"Fifteen minutes" Bellamy mumbled in his pillow, she smiled snoozing the alarm for fifteen minutes, she set it on the night stand and rolled over into Bellamy's waiting arms. He pulled her close to him and they both fell back asleep, startled when the alarm went off again. She rolled out of his arms, listening to him groan in disapproval. She silenced the alarm, before looking over at him, he was drifting back to sleep already.

"C'mon Bell, time to get up" she pushed him lightly. He sighed before stretching and sending her a smile.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning love" she kissed him lightly before getting out of bed.

"I don't want to get up"

"I don't think you have a choice, you can sleep in tomorrow" she offered.

"Did you take the next four days off?" he asked her sitting up.

"Tomorrow yes, the next day I have meetings and then I took two days off and the weekend I have off even though you need to work."

"Shouldn't be full days, they guys and I have been ahead of schedule so everything's pretty much done." he reassured her. He wanted as much time with her as possible before he leaves.

"I took Monday off too, I Know you deploy around eleven but I may need the whole day." she gave him a sad smile.

"I'll write all the time, and every once in awhile I should be able to get a phone call or a video chat in, not often though so expect like one or two in nine months"

"I'll write back of course, I've already started stock piling photos to send"

"What kind of photos?" he stood behind her as she brushed her hair in the mirror. She shot him a look.

"Dirty ones?" he asked hopeful.

"We'll see" She laughed. He got dressed and headed out to the kitchen. She followed suit, the second she exited the hallway the smell of the coffee made her fight back a gag. She went right out the door taking a deep breath to calm her body down. Bellamy brought out a cup for her that she graciously accepted but left sit in the cup holder in the car. The smell was going to make her puke, she could only imagine what it would be like to drink it at this point. He talked the whole way to base which saved her, he kissed her and hoped out of the car at the barracks where Wick and Lincoln were waiting. She fished a Gatorade out of her gym bag in the back seat before heading to her office.

She sat down at her desk opening google.

She clicked on the search bar, before typing.

'Nauseous, tired, run down, light headed'

She opened her drink as the search results popped up.

She read them out loud to herself.

", i drink a gallon of water a day,, no fever.

Stress or Anxiety...that's definitely it.. or possible pregnancy."

She stared at screen suddenly overcome with nausea. She opened her calendar flipping through her month to count days.

"7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 43, 44, no no no I have an IUD dammit!" she slammed the planner down reminding herself to take a few deep breaths.

She convinced herself she was over reacting, she called her doctors office and made an appointment for Wednesday between her meetings.

This was the last thing either one of them needed and she didn't want to do that to him, it was a disaster, a baby when he can't be around for the pregnancy or birth, he wouldn't want it. She didn't want it without him. She took another deep breath.

"You're over reacting Clarke, it's nothing you'll see." she whispered to herself before getting ready to head out the door for an appointment with her patients.

She hurried to the elevator drinking her Gatorade on the way down. She took one step off the elevator and took a hard right out the door, showering the landscaping with blue liquid puke. She was thankful that was all she could keep down, well until then. She headed back in and cleaned up quick before carrying on with her day.

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