Chapter 26

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Bellamy laid in his bunk staring at the ceiling, wishing he was still in Virginia with Clarke. Knowing he won't see her for three weeks made him miss her. He stared out the window praying sleep found him or the next few hours would make for extremely long day.

The first week flew by, Clarke stayed busy and looked forward to their conversations every night. It was Friday and she just got off the phone with Bellamy. He was going to some bar out there with the guys. She grabbed stuff for a shower and opened her door to find Raven getting ready to knock. Raven jumped slightly not expecting the door to open.

"Octavia and I are going to Buffalo Wild Wings in the plaza, do you want to join us for wings and some drinks?" she asked.

"I was just getting ready to take a shower"

"So, take one in the morning, don't even change. We aren't, it's gonna be a jeans and T-shirt kind of date"

"Come on Clarke, you know you want to!" Octavia called from the kitchen. She sighed setting her clothes down.

"I could use some scenery other than my office or the house" she turned her light off and followed Raven down the hall.

The restaurant was busy, as everything normally was on Fridays. They claimed three seats at the bar, ordered their food and a few drinks. A group of Marines walked past the girls , a few Clarke had helped said hello on their way by. Cage trailed behind them. She wouldn't let his presence bother her though, not tonight. She's one week closer to seeing Bellamy and she deserves this girls night.

Just as their food came one of the Marines took a seat next to Clarke.

"Sgt. Santiago, good to see you" Clarke smiled.

"Likewise Ms. Griffin. I'd like to get you a drink" he smiled.

"You don't have to do that" she replied.

"Just to say thanks for all you did for me, I'd ask you out to dinner but rumor has is Sgt. Blake already has your heart" he smiled motioning for the bartender. The music was so loud in there they had to lean a little closer together to hear each other.

"You could say that, you are setting out to transfer soon, I saw it in your file, where are you headed?" Clarke asked. He paid the bartender and he filled Clarke's glass, and slid him another beer.

"Okinawa, end of next week" he stated.

"That's a long way from here, I wish you lots of luck. I'm sure you will do fine wherever you are." She smiled. He stood placing a hand on her shoulder,

"Thanks again Clarke for everything"

"Take care of yourself" she smiled as he walked back to the group of guys.

"He was pleasant" Raven laughed.

"What?" Clarke asked.

"He likes you" Octavia added.

"I was his Physical Therapist for 2 years, he's a good guy, asked me out once, in front of your brother. But I kindly declined, I don't mix work and pleasure" She stated in a matter of fact way, she tried to hold the smile in as both girls shot her a look, knowing she was with Bellamy the whole time she did his PT.

She looked at them innocently.


"Yeah okay!" Raven laughed.

"You can't lie to us Clarke" Octavia added.

The girls had a few more drinks and then called an Uber. Once home they stumbled through the door together, laughing loudly, before settling down on the couch.


Octavia's phone buzzed next to them, she picked it up looking at the message.

Lincoln: You girls still out?

Octavia: Nope, Just got home.

Lincoln: All of you?

Octavia: Yeah why?

Lincoln: Your brother left here all pissed, something about a photo of Clarke and Santiago at the bar.

Octavia sighed glancing at Clarke and Raven who had both fallen asleep sitting on the couch. She snapped a photo and sent it to Lincoln.

Octavia: Yeah looks like she's quite the party animal lol , we saw Santiago at the bar, he bought her a drink for helping him through PT and then went back to his friends.

Lincoln: Yeah I'd say she's the epitome of party. Now I Have to find you brother...

Octavia: Good Luck. XOXO

Lincoln: XO

Octavia set her phone down on the table just as Clarkes lit up. She glanced back at Clarke before picking it up. She opened the messages hoping it was Bellamy. One was, a photo of her and Santiago from tonight.

Bellamy: Nice, couldn't even last a week

Octavia deleted the message and the photo, before opening a message from an unknown number. A photo of her brother popped up sitting next to some girl in a booth with his arm around her. She sent it to herself and deleted the messages from Clarkes phone.

She sent the photo to Lincoln so maybe he could find him quicker and then she got up and went in her room before calling her brother.

He denied her call three times. She went back out in the living room and grabbed Clarkes phone. She called from that repeatedly until he picked up.

"Better be an emergency" he growled in the phone.

"Will be if you don't get up and walk away from that skank now."


"You heard me Bell!, Clarke's sleeping on the couch, we went out together and all Santiago did was by her a drink for helping him with PT. I already deleted the photo someone sent her and the nasty messages you sent her."

"Wait how do you know I'm with someone?"

"Think Bellamy, who is deploying with you, and who is staying here"

"Cage" he trailed off scanning the room.

"And Emerson" his voice gave away the fact that he spotted him.

"Wait, Bell" was all Octavia got out before he hung up on her.

Octavia's phone buzzed.

Lincoln: We found him, and probably saved Emerson's life.

Octavia: Good! Goodnight !

Lincoln: Night Baby

Octavia put both phones on her night stand before crawling into bed, she was happy that was resolved before she fell asleep.

The next morning Octavia's phone rang early, she groaned grabbing for it before swiping.

"Em, hello?" she snuggled deeper in her pillow.

"O, how's Clarke. Lincoln said there was a picture" Bellamy's voice filled her ear.

"She's fine. I saved your ass, deleted all evidence off all phones" she grumbled.

"I owe you" he sighed.

"No, you need to not over react to everything and to learn the facts before you act" she snapped.

"Your right, I'm sorry. I should have called you"

"You've been worried if the long distance thing is going to work. From my end she's holding up fine, it's you that's falling a part, get a hold of yourself, grow up" Octavia hung up before he could reply dropping her phone on to the floor and pulling the blankets back over her head.

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