Chapter 5

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The music was so loud you couldn't think, Weekend's were always busy there.

Octavia went up and got a hookah, buying the flavored tobacco. She tapped Clarke to follow her as she headed for a booth.

"I'll get drinks" Bellamy stated heading to the bar. He ordered a whiskey and coke for himself, and two vodka and cranberries for the girls. Paid and grabbed the drinks heading for the table they now occupied.

He set the drinks on the table. Clarke pulled one to her, sliding the other to Octavia.


"Yeah, no problem" he replied watching her smoke the hookah.

"That stuff's bad for you" he smiled.

"So's whiskey" she replied taking a longer drag. He laughed shaking his head and sliding in the booth next to her. She pulled her tip off the hose and passed it to Bellamy who took a short drag and stuck his back in his pocket. Clarke and Octavia smiled at Wick and Lincoln as they approached.

"Hey good looking." Wick greeted her.

"Hey, where's Raven?" she responded.

"She's somewhere around here. Getting a drink I'm sure"

"How's that going?" Bellamy asked.

"I owe you a thank you, that's going exceptionally well" he smiled. Clarke was happy her friends were happy. Lincoln slid in next to Octavia kissing her cheek.

"And this, whats this? Bellamy questioned, his voice increasing in volume.

"We are seeing each other" Octavia responded hesitantly.

"No your not." Bellamy snapped, Clarke pinched him under the table. He glanced at her and looked back at Octavia, he opened his mouth to say something and felt another pinch.

"Stop doing that" he snapped turning towards her.

"Or what?" she smiled, he took note of her finishing her drink.

"Or your going to be sorry" he replied she could see he was mad but he couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes. Someone cleared their throat as another drink was slid in front of her. Clarke sighed glancing at the person.

"Thanks" she said pulling her phone from her purse and scrolling obviously uninterested in his presence.

Bellamy turned to face the person.

"Wow Sgt. Blake, didn't take you long to make friends." Sgt. Emerson... The other Sgt. in his Platoon. That's why it sounded familiar.

"Actually Octavia is my sister and I've known everyone here for quite a while" he replied easily. He nodded before shifting his gaze back to Clarke.

"Clarke, want to dance?"

"No I'm good" she replied, her eyes never leaving the screen of her phone. Bellamy pulled it from her hands, turning it off before handing it back to her.

"Be sociable" he teased. Raven and Octavia smiled watching the two of them. She shoved it in her purse.

Emerson slid in next to Lincoln.

Raven shoved Bellamy, squish her, we are moving in. He slid closer to her draping an arm over the back of the booth. He was surprised Wick, Raven, himself and Clarke all fit in that one seat.

Clarke downed half the drink. He pinched her leg, her eyes shot to his.

"Slow down, I don't want to have to carry you." A few minutes of conversation passed and Emerson stood going to the bar. He came back with another drink for Clarke and himself and one for Bellamy. Bellamy looked up at him.

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