Chapter 15

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Bellamy sat at the desk dreading the next 24 hours, nothing was worse then 24 hour duty in the barracks.

Seven hours down and they were called outside for a fight by the fire pit.

Six more hours down and everyone was starting to head out to start the day.

Eight hours passed and they were all headed back in, finished with the work day.

Three hours 'till he headed to his sisters house and every second of every minute of every one of those hours dragged on unbelievably slow.

Once his shift was over, he showered, changed and headed out with Lincoln.

They walked into Octavia's to see the whole gang there watching movies.

Raven, Wick, and Finn were on the couch. Clarke, Octavia, Jasper, & Monty were on the floor, "The Proposal" playing on the television.

Lincoln slid on to the floor between Clarke and Octavia.

Bellamy stopped in the kitchen raiding the fridge, before joining the group on the floor.

He spread out next to Clarke leaning back on the arm of the couch. He tapped her shoulder with his foot earning him a smile when she looked back at him.

She crawled over top of him and headed into the kitchen, everyone spreading out more at her disappearance.

She came back with a drink in hand and sat Indian style between Bellamy's legs. They got a few looks but she sat far enough forward that they weren't touching. Bellamy wanted to touch her. Ached to touch her, but he knew Clarke was a fan of the no emotions thing, and it was his fault because that was how they ended up in this situation, he promised her no emotions no complications, but he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't feel something for her.

He could smell the vodka in her drink sitting behind her. He leaned forward looking over her shoulder.

"Is the cranberry in that drink just for color?" he whispered.

"I can taste it" she whispered with a smile.

He leaned back against the couch, he watched her down her drink at an impressive rate before standing to get another, Octavia and Raven asked her for one also. She came back juggling 3 glasses. After handing them out she sat back down with hers, only this time she sat between his thighs, her body tight to his and she leaned back on him to watch the movie.

He brought his mouth down to her ear on the opposite side of everyone.

"You are killing me pressed against me like this"

She smiled acknowledging she heard him. He moved his left hand to her waist, rubbing circles through the fabric of her shirt with his thumb.

"I'm gonna spend the night on the couch if that's OK?" he whispered.

She turned gently pulling his head down so she could respond.

"Like hell you are, not after the way you kissed me last night, I want you with me" her voice was husky and she could feel the effect her statement had on him instantly. As if he needed to prove a point his hands moved her back tight against him. She shifted as if she couldn't get comfortable. He nipped her neck lightly and she stilled, he could see her breathing change and knew he had her.

The credits started rolling. Raven gave her a look.

"How much vodka is in yours, you look a little flushed." she laughed.

"I can smell it so Im going to say 2/3rds of that glass is vodka." Bellamy added.

"Half and I'm fine, Ready for PT?" she turned asking Bellamy.

"Sure, your room or here?" he asked going with the topic change.

"My room" He stood stretching.

"Your not going to drink with us?" Monty asked.

"You guys need to catch up, PT only takes an hour. I'll drink more after." Clarke smiled heading for her room with Bellamy behind her.

She closed and locked her door behind them.


Raven poured drinks in the dining room.

"So is that a new thing?" Finn asked gesturing towards Clarke's room.

"No, he's had PT for months" Octavia replied.

"Not the PT, the relationship!" he snapped.

"Awful touchy Finn, still holding that candle?" Raven snapped back.

"No, I. Well she hasn't dated anyone since so I thought maybe she wasn't over me"

"More like you fucked her up with your mind games and she doesn't trust just anyone anymore" Octavia replied, disgusted with the fact that he thought she was pining over him this whole time.

"But Bellamy? Come on, hes a man whore. In the military, probably has a different girl in every place he goes.

"We are going to fault a guy on what you did?" Monty asked.

Finn huffed and poured a drink, before pulling out a stool and sitting down.

They changed the subject and passed around a few shots.


* SMUT ALERT (If you arent a smut lover, I'll see you in the next chapter)*

The second he heard that lock click shut his hands were on her. He walked backwards towards the bed pulling her along with him.

"I said PT" she smiled.

"Don't worry I'll get my exercise in" he replied sitting on the bed.

He slowly undressed her as she stood in front of him, trailing kisses all over her body. He stood pulling his shirt over his head and shedding his shorts and boxers. He sat back down dragging his finger tips up her inner thigh, He let his hand move over her opening at a slow agonizing pace.

"You are so wet Clarke" he groaned sliding a finger inside her. Her hands moved to his shoulder steadying herself as her nails bit into his skin. He pulled his finger out of her and brought it to his lips.

"You taste so good" he stated his eyes locked on hers, he could swear you could see them darken with lust.

"God Bell, I want you so bad" Clarke pleaded.

He moved back leaning back on his arms.

"Straddle me, I want you to ride me Clarke" his voice was deeper than normal and it was driving her crazy.

She moved up the bed above him, she lowered herself on to his hard cock nice and slow, taking a little bit at a time before starting all over again. She was loving teasing him, but he had a lack of self control when it came to her. She slid down slightly just as he grabbed her hips and thrust all of himself up into her, She called out his name, louder then intended. She shot him a look and received a smirk in response.

She rode him, grinding herself down on him. She watched him watch her tits every time she moved. Her hands moved up to her breasts and she started to play with them, rolling her nipples between her fingers and massaging them.

"God Clarke, That's hot as fuck. I can't, Baby I'm going to fill you" He spoke in a whisper trying to hold out.

"Bellamy please, I'm so close" Clarke pleaded. He flipped them over giving him more control. He slammed into her till he heard her cry out for him. The second he felt her tighten around him he was done, there was no more holding out. He spilled his hot load inside of her. He held himself above her, his head buried in her neck. She felt his lips move to her ear.

"Clarke, I'm tying you up later, so don't get plastered" he whispered kissing her before standing.

She burst out laughing.

"I make no promises."

They both got dressed and headed out to the kitchen.

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