Chapter 8

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Clarke woke up the next morning she couldn't help but think about last night.

His voice on the phone was like an orgasm in itself, the thought of what they did made her blush. If felt wrong, but she'd do it again if he asked.


He sat up and stretched looking at his watch, thirty minutes till he had to meet with Clarke. He couldnt help but smirk at the fact that he convinced her to do that last night, however he couldn't shake the feeling that he shouldn't have. The thought of her telling him she like's it rough was sure to invade his mind frequently in her presence and probably torture him to death. Along with everything else that left her mouth, he didn't think she had it in her.

She helped two other Marine's through exercises when the elevator door opened revealing Bellamy. He made his way to her slowly. She tried to ignore his presence till she was done helping her two patients but the second she looked at him it all came back to her full force and her cheeks were on fire.

"Morning Princess" She thought it couldn't get hotter but him calling her that was always going to be a reminder of last night, it was his one way of making it personal.

"Morning Bell" She replied, she was happy to see her calling him Bell had the same effect. His eyes turned darker as he watched her. She sent him a smile.

He ran a hand across the back of his neck, she had game and he wouldn't lie, getting a dose of his own medicine was like instant karma.

"Okay guys, You are all set for today, those sheets I gave you for home excercises, keep that up." she smiled.

"Clarke I was wondering If you'd like to go out sometime" The one asked standing.

"Sorry, but I have a strict doctor to patient policy"

"What about after I'm no longer a patient?"

"Ask me then" she smiled.

"Will do" he smiled heading for the locker room.

"That happen alot?" Bellamy asked from behind her.

"More than I care to let on, It's flattering but I'm also not stupid. I'm their support in a rough time, the one person helping them through. They don't know me, only that I won't give up on them. Eventually they get better and don't need me anymore. "

He wasnt sure she should look at it that way, he understood what she meant, but eventually someone was going to want and need her, all of her, all the time. He kept quiet though, wasn't his place to meddle.

"Alright Blake, take a band"

"We really going to use bands to excercise?" he sighed.

"Yup, resistance will help you alot. You get around fine with crutches but we have four weeks till they cut that cast in half, a whole month. I want you in great shape then so the month after you can train with me and for deployment, its one thing to be 100% when you are uninjured. But after an injury, you better be 200% or I'm red flagging you and you will stay with me instead of leaving with your platoon." She stated meeting his eyes.

"You would do that to me?"

"I would do that for you, theres a difference. I don't want to red flag anyone and truth be told I've never had too, so don't make yourself my first"

"Fine, Band excercise, show me what to do" he grumbled.

They ran through excercise after excercise. It was a work out, she wasn't your normal instructor, she worked along side you, keeping you at her pace. Both of them were sweating and tired after the hour.

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