Chapter 26

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hey guys! got another chapter up and running. hopefully from here on out i'll have quicker updates. i'm not promising anything because i can't predict the future or what will happen to delay my writing but i'll try and be quicker. anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think.

Chapter 26

We finally leave the McDonalds over half an hour later. Once Sam had finally gotten a burger without cheese he then started complaining that his fries were cold. I told him to suck it up. Had he just eaten the dang burger he wouldn’t have had to worry about cold fries.

“Where did you say Jason had gone with the others you let out?” Sam asks.

“Somewhere outside of the city. I’m not sure exactly where.”

“We should find them.”

“No dip, Sherlock.”

“Just trying to be helpful.”

“Hey guys,” Danni says.

“Well if you wanted to be helpful you could have not gotten three new burgers made for you at the McDonalds. That would have helped stay under the radar.”

“Yes because complaining about a burger that was made wrong is a way to tip off the police that we are here.”

“No but the attention you attracted to not only yourself but me and Danni as well could have very well made someone recognize me who, if you remember, had her picture on the news this morning.”

“Guys,” Danni says again, this time a hint of worry enters her voice.

“And whose fault is it that you’re now on the most wanted list? Certainly not mine.”

“If you had never dragged me into this mess to begin with this would not even be a possible issue.”

“So you’re saying you wish we never met?”

“I’m not saying that at all. Why do you always have to make me seem like the bad guy?”

“GUYS!” Danni says.

“Yeah?” Sam asks glancing over at Danni with a completely relaxed look that did not at all match the worry in her voice.

“There is a man over there. He has been following us for a while.” She points out someone on the other side of the street who is wearing virtually all black. Though I can’t make out his face his build looks vaguely familiar.

“I’m sure it is nothing. He is probably just going the same way we are,” Sam says. “Completely coincidental.”

“When has anything ever been a coincidence? Especially involving Casey’s dad and his cronies,” Danni points out.

“I hate to admit it but she’s right, Sam. My dad’s got someone trailing us,” I say looking again toward the strange man. “We’ve got to find some way to throw him off our trail without giving away that we are, in fact, who he is looking for.”

“How do you know that he doesn’t know already who we are?” Sam asks.

“I don’t but I would rather look on the bright side here.”

“And what if your optimism gets us captured?”

“And what if you didn’t argue with everything I said for once?”

“Someone’s touchy,” He says.

“I think we could head further into the city and get lost in the crowd,” Danni suggests. “It’s not like any of us are freakishly tall. We would blend in well.”

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