Chapter 9

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Hey guys! this is the next chapter! woo! i had sooo much trouble writing this chapter and its kinda short... so i really hope yall like it! thanks for all the votes and comments yall have been giving me i really apprecitate it. let me know what you think.

Happy reading!!


Chapter 9

The future of humankind? What kind of message is that? What did she mean? Was I supposed to leave everyone? I couldn't just up and leave the group...could I?

Obviously her word held some truth or she wouldn't have sent me that ‘vision’ when I first joined our group. But how much was truth and how much was just extra embellishment to make it feel important.

"Casey," I heard a faint voice call. "Earth to Casey? Hello?"

"Huh? What?" I asked, having completely zoned out. "Oh. Yeah sorry what were you saying?" I had missed a whole part of the conversation the boys and Lillie were having.

Tyler sighed. "I was saying that we should just stay here for a while. I mean Adam said it was alright," I saw Adam nod out of the corner of my eye, "and it's secluded- I don't think the closest neighbor is within a mile of us- there isn't really anything too attracting around so we've pretty much found ourselves a new home."

I could see how excited everyone else was at this idea. I mean it was what we had been searching for, right? A new and safe place to call home. And who was I to tell them no when I had only been a part of their group for a few months?

"So what do you say?" Tyler finally asked me.

I hesitated completely and utterly uncomfortable with this whole situation. "That's great!" was what I said when really I was being overwhelmed with guilt that I would have to leave them all behind. "I mean this is what we've been looking for all along. Somewhere to start over and have as much of a normal life as possible."

Tyler's face brightened, as well as everybody else's, when I said that. Why was everyone suddenly looking to me for advice? Wasn't that someone else's job to be the leader?  Why suddenly the new chick?

"Great!" Adam said. "Let me just run it by Grandma really quick," he got up from the kitchen table where his plate of half eaten spaghetti and cookies was sitting. "I'll be right back," and left the room.

I sat back in my chair uneasily, wincing as my injured shoulder came in contact with the wood.

What had I just done?

The topic of discussion quickly turned from ‘what to do next’ to our ‘new home’ and what everyone wanted to do once it was official.

"Do you think they have a skateboard?" Jacob asked. "I've always wanted to learn."

"Or a pool? I want to go swimming," Lillie exclaimed.

"You don't even know how to swim," Tyler countered

"Well it's never too late to learn..."

I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Want to go somewhere quieter?" Sam asked me.

"Where?" I inquired.

He smiled devilishly. "You'll see."

Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the seat supporting me incase I fell over from pain or nausea, again. He pulled me through countless hallways, walked through countless doorways, made countless turns until finally we came to a wide oak door leading outside.

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