Chapter 8

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hey everyone! here is the next chapter. A big thanks to everyone who has read my story up to this point! i'm super extremely glad that so many people like this.   Anyways, plz let me know what y'all think in the comments

happy reading!!


Chapter 8


Without waiting for anyone else, I took off. Literally.

I spread my wings, not caring if I ripped through the soft material of my jacket, and jumped into the air.

I soared high into the sky until I was looking over the tops of every building in the city. Only when I was sure that I was safe did I look down upon the scene below me.

I could just barely make out the shadows of my friends: scattered and frantically running away from a threat that was invisible to them. However from my vantage point I could make out the shapes of a small group of people steadily advancing toward the group of scattered mutants.

Come on Casey think! I mentally scolded myself. No way was I leaving my friends there to get caught.

Against my better judgment, I descended until I was only thirty or so feet from the black pavement beneath me. I weaved through the narrow streets, working my way behind the line of intruders. Never before would I have dreamed of fighting someone. Then again, never before did I think I would become a fugitive living on the run.

I dropped out of the air and landed square on one of the men's back, tumbling with him to the ground.

"Oomph," I wheezed when I finally hit the ground.

Immediately, all of the other cops- I could think of them no other way- turned around in surprise. They obviously weren't expecting me.

Thrust into the spotlight I did the only natural thing.

"Hi," I spat out happily.

One of the men closer to me laughed and took a step closer raising his gun and taking aim.

"Wait," a voice called from behind a line of bodies.

The man stopped advancing but never did his eyes leave me. "Sir," he said. "We have orders to kill on sight. This one just took out one of our men."

"You have orders," the mysterious voice continued, "to capture and bring them in alive. And you'll have to answer to worse than me if anyone of these freaks are killed tonight. Is that clear, soldier?"

I would love to say that I got up and ran. That I actually valued my own life enough to up and leave when I knew I didn't stand a chance. Unfortunately for me, I didn't and I was still sitting there like a moron during this whole conversation.

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere with you?" I asked.

"I think this gun in my hand does, sweetheart," said the guy still aiming at me.

"Well your boss over there kinda said you can't use it so I think you're outta options," I said, "soldier."

Clearly the man was angry.

"I can't kill ya, darlin', but I sure as hell can make sure you never leave the ground again." And he fired.


The pain was excruciating.

That was all I knew as I was being not-so-carefully carried away from the battle grounds.

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