Chapter 24

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hey guys. so i've gotten a lot written and am going to hopefully update it all over the next week or so. this book if actually for a school project in the 'advanced program' that i attend. this being said any feedback that you guys could give would both benefit me in writing and help me improve the school aspect of this and maybe get a better grade.

thanks for sticking with me guys!

Chapter 24

That evening I was ready to go. Sam had managed to convince Danni to help him break me out. She was more than willing to oblige. I sit on the couch in my room and wait. There is no clock in the room so it is impossible to tell how much time had passed or even what time it was now. However the sky outside was dark so I knew it was almost time to go.

No more than five minutes later there is a knock at the door. Danni pokes her head in. “Hey, Casey. You, uh, need to come see this,” she says with a wink. Her eyes, no longer black, are the prettiest shade of grey and I can’t help but smiling when I see this. She says that my room is being monitored so she can’t openly say, “Let’s go break out.” Even if I wasn’t being watched I don’t think it would be a smart move to announce it.

I stand up and walk toward the door. “Where to?” I ask.

She smiles again and bounces down the hall. “This way,” she squeaks.

I follow her around. For a while it seems like she is just leading me in an endless circle. We go down two floors, then up one. Through the maze of hallways and down another floor. None of it makes sense to me. Finally Danni pushes open a particularly heavy door and we walk in. the walls are lined with computer screen all showing different live footage from the building. A few of the screens show nothing but static and I find myself briefly wondering what should be on them.

Sam sits in a swivel chair in front of a large expanse of keyboards. He spins around and grins when he sees me, his eyes flashing green when the light hits them. “So you got out alright,” he says.

“Well obviously or we wouldn’t be here,” Danni says. She bounces over to Sam’s chair. “Whatcha got here?”

He spins around halfway and starts explaining the system to Danni like she is his curious younger sister rather than a fellow mutant in a twisted war. She reminds me too much of my own little sister and I realize that I have to get her out as well.

“Hey Sam do you know where Emma is?” I ask.

He freezes in his explanation and spins slowly around to face me again. Running his hand down his face he sighs. “I was hoping to avoid this, honestly,” he says.

“Why? You know she is my sister and I’d do anything to keep her out of this.”

“About that,” he says. “She isn’t the girl you know. She’s changed and not for the better.”

“What do you mean,” I interrupt.

Sam sighs again. “Emma is your dad’s biggest supporter now. The way she sees it- and I kind of agree with her here- you brought her into a group where she could never possibly fit in. She was the outcasted one with no special powers while everyone else could perform some extraordinary act,” Sam pauses to rub the back of his next. He’s nervous. “And your dad, while he also brought her into an unwelcome environment, he was able to make her fit in. he gave her powers like those she was so jealous of before.”

“So you’re saying she hates me now? How do you know this?”

“I was her mentor, basically. Your dad picked me to help her adjust to her new… abilities. She told me,” Sam says. “I’m sorry, Casey but she can’t come with us.”

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