Chapter 29

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hey guys. sorry for the wait i've been kids of overwhelmed with homework this past week. let me know what you think.

Chapter 29

After drying off and changing into a new set of clothes I make my way out into the main room with everyone else. I can honestly say not a thing has changed. There are still children sitting on the wall and ceiling- though I still do not know how- and Jacob and Adam have resumed their stare-down.

I approach the group slowly. “So what are we going to do next?”

Jacob turns toward me. “Obviously we have to take out the idiot who started all this. No offense, Casey, but you’re dad is a knucklehead.”

“None taken. I’ve thought of worse words to describe him.”

That earns a laugh from the group and I crack a small smile. “Seriously though, we do have to do something.”

“Thank you Captain Obvious,” Lillie comments with a smile. Jacob smacks her lightly on the arm before pulling her against him.

“I’m just trying to help. It’s not like anyone else is offering up ideas.”

“That’s not the real question here.” Jason says. “The question is not what should we do, it’s how should we do it. How the heck are we going to go up against the army he is building?”

“We could bait them,” Sam suggests. “It shouldn’t be hard. Just throw me out there and they’ll all come running.”

“I can’t ask you to do that, Sam,” I say touching his arm. “He’s my dad so I should go.”

 Lillie scoffs. “Oh heck no. You aren’t going back there, Casey. He’ll just tear you apart.”

“Well I wasn’t asking for your permission.”

“And I wasn’t giving it. If I have to physically restrain you, girl, I will. You are NOT going back there.”

I shrug. “We could try to fight back but he will be expecting it. Not to mention we don’t have even half the number of people that he does.”

“But everyone here came willingly. We aren’t brainwashed into thinking something that isn’t true so if we can break them out of the trance or even take down whatever is controlling them then we have a good shot,” Jacob says.

One of the kids from the wall floats toward us. In her hands she holds a few cards from whatever game they were playing. “I’ve got an idea,” she says. “We all know how to use our powers, or whatever you want to call them, pretty good. If we just overwhelm their headquarters with everything we can do then we’ve got a good chance of cancelling out whatever they are doing to those kids.” she shrugs. “Just a thought.”

“That’s a great idea, Mary,” Jason says with a smile. She smiles back.

“Only one problem. Not all of us have mental powers. Some of us just have physical stuff. Like for example super speed,” Jacob says.

“It still might work though,” Sam says. “Those of us who, as you say, have physical stuff could distract those who are in charge while the others bombard their systems with whatever they’ve got.”

Jacob shrugs. He seems to be the only one opposed to the plan so everyone looks to him for approval. “What are you all looking at me for? It’s not a bad plan.”

“Then go tell the kids that we’ve got to start training,” Lillie says nudging him toward the opposite wall where the children are still playing games.

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