Chapter 13

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Hello again my lovely readers. ive written another chapter for you all and it didnt even take half as long this time! though my more relaxed schedule probably has a lot to do with this. anyway i hope you enjoy. there is another interesting twist in this section and i would LOVE your opinions on it so tell me what you think in the comments.

Happy Reading!


Chapter 13

“Well hello, Casey,” I hear an eerily familiar voice say from across the room. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you last. How long has it been now? Five months?”

I lift my head from where it was resting on my knees and look at the man who was speaking. He was sat behind a large white desk, leaned back in his chair with his feet up as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He was dressed in a white lab coat worn over a white collared shirt and white pants with white shoes- everything in this place was so white. Strangely enough though, it wasn’t his laid back posture that shook me the most. No. It was who that man was that really bothered me. He was the man who I trusted more than anything else in the world. The man who was there for all of my firsts, who helped me through school and through everything that came with being a mutant teenager living in a normal world.

My father.

“Dad,” I say. “What? Why? How could you do this?”

He grinned at me, but it was a predatory smile and not at all resembling the one I had grown up with. “It’s amazing what people will do for what they believe in, isn’t it?” he said.

“I trusted you,” I said. “I adored you. You were my father. I’m supposed to be proud of you and now… I don’t even know who you are.”

“Sweetheart,” he said. “I’m still your father and I’m still the same man that I used to be. It’s you who has changed and finally realized that the world around you isn’t as it seems.”

“But why?” I asked him.

“The world is changing, as I am sure Robert told you, and the scientists worldwide have banded together to create a race of super-humans with extraordinary gifts and who will be able to survive the fallout and eke out a life once the rest of us have died.

“We are killing the Earth. Humans have used up almost all of the resources in the world and it won’t be long before the meager supply of what is left is depleted by our greedy rulers. Once that happens, the world will be thrown into chaos, an apocalypse you might say, though it will not be zombies that take over the world, but our own greed that slowly kills us off one by one,” he continued with his reasoning, though it was all falling on deaf ears. I was still trying to get over the fact that my father, the man that I had trusted above anyone else in the world, was the reason that I had been living like a criminal for the past five months. I mean, imagine waking up one day to find that your dad was part of a terrorist group set on destroying your country. It is definitely not what anyone wants to hear.

“Do you understand now why I did what I did?” he asked.

I shook my head as tears started falling from my eyes. “You’re a monster,” I said to him, glaring through the tears. “Innocent children. You killed innocent children just for the purpose of what? Breeding a superior race?” I was almost shouting by now. “I trusted you! And now I find out that you are just some piece of trash that kills innocent children for experiments.”

My father just grinned. I leaned numbly against the wall and watched as he wordlessly took out what looked like a radio, pressed a few buttons, and walked out of the room.

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