Chapter 31

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Hey hey hey! i'm finally getting to the good part of the story. i hope you guys are enjoying reading  this story as much as i love writing it. i hope you enjoy this and the next chapter should be up soon.

Chapter 31

The next morning I wake to light streaming in through the open bedroom door. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head before climbing slowly to my feet.

Looking around for clothes since I am wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I find a stack of folded clothes on the dresser. I quickly change into the jeans and tank top, stretching my wings out behind me in anticipation of the long flight.

I walk out into the hallway and follow the same path I took last night into the back room where everyone has gathered. Jason is in the middle of making a speech and though I can’t make out what he is saying over the chatter in the room I have a good idea of what it entails.

I push my way to the front of the room and take a seat on the couch in between Sam and Lillie. “What’s up?”

“Jason is trying to explain, mostly to the older kids, what the plan is. He says he’ll try and get them to better control their abilities and by the time we get back he should be ready to go,” Lillie tells me.

“We are leaving as soon as he’s done talking and Jacob decides to show up.”

I nod and lean back into the couch. The kids all look relatively surprised at Jason’s explanation of our plan but a few look like they’ve known it all along. Suddenly the door at the back of the room is blown inwards and a couple people shriek. Less than a second later Jacob appears next to me, his hair slicked back as if by a strong wind.

“You almost scared me to death,” Lillie exclaims.

Jacob smiles and hitches his bag up on his shoulder. “No I didn’t,” he says. “You’re still alive aren’t you?”

Lillie rolls her eyes and turns to Sam and me. “Are you guys ready to go?”

“Sure,” Sam says rising to his feet. I follow suit and soon we are walking out of the room and into the hall. Jacob leads us to the exit and we climb up the rope ladder, finding ourselves in a very familiar clearing.

It looks completely different during the day. The trees don’t hold mysterious dangers waiting to jump out. The woods aren’t so dark that I can’t see two feet in front of me, instead I can see all the way through until a dirt road appears. The grass is covered in a thin layer of frost and the bitter wind causes the leaves to shiver. I can also see the slight dip in the ground where the ceiling was destroyed.

“Looks like winter is finally here,” Jacob comments.

Lillie nods and wraps her arms around herself. “How are you not cold?” she asks me.

I shrug and look down at myself. Still in a tank top I don’t feel the cold. I guess I never have, at least not as much as most people. It must be a part of the same stuff that makes me have wings.

“Which way?” Sam asks.

“It should be a straight shot south-east of here. We could probably make it there by nightfall.” He pauses, holds up a finger, disappears for a split second, then reappears in the exact same spot. “Someone’s coming,” he says.

“How do you know?” I ask. How could anyone have followed us out here? We didn’t even touch the ground on our journey from California.

“I saw them,” he replies. “They are about a mile away.”

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