Chapter 6

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Heyy guys! here is the next chapter. thanks to everyone who is reading and comenting and for all the votes you guys have given me. this story has come a whole lot further than i ever thought it would and i am really thankful to all of you guys.  :)  i hope you enjoy this update and sorry its kind of short.

Happy reading!


Chapter 6

I can't say for how long we drove- or exactly where to for that matter- but I can say that it was a long ride.

As soon as we had gotten out if the small city where we had stolen our current vehicle, we headed north up the coast and from what I could tell, after I woke up from my extremely long nap, we were making great time.

"Where are we?" I asked, sleep slurring my words as I spoke them.

"Towards the northern part of Jersey and almost into New York," Tyler replied from his position driving the car.

"Is that where we are headed?" I asked. "New York?"

"Sure is, princess," Jacob said from behind me. "NYC to be exact. It's easy to get lost in a big city like that so we figured it was our best bet."

"When did you become so wise?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh I've always been smart," Jacob began. "I just held back my intelligence so the rest of you didn't feel so dang stupid."

"Right," I drug out. "How far away are we?" I asked turning my attention back to the front of the car.

"A little less than an hour. We should be there for dinner," Sam surprised me by speaking up. I had thought he was asleep.

An hour came and went far faster than I had thought possible. Although Sam was right, we did arrive there for dinner, we couldn't find a place to eat, or, for that matter, a hotel.

Quickly the search was abandoned and we decided to just wander the streets and that shoplifting was no longer our biggest worry.

"But what about dinner," Lillie whined. "I'm starving."

"We'll get food soon, Lil, I promise," Jacob said wrapping his arm around Lillie's shoulders.

"Everybody shut up," Sam said suddenly interrupting Lillie and Jacob's quiet conversation.

"No way, man. Why should I listen to -"

"I said shut up Jacob," Sam said sternly earning a shocked expression from Jacob and an amused grin from Tyler. "Listen."

We all were silent, then, and listened for whatever it was Sam had heard.

Suddenly I heard a slight scratching noise followed by a voice. "Yeah I'm sure they went this way... Yes it was them. There was a chick with a freaking tail for God's sake... No I didn't imagine it I heard them talking." Whoever it was was getting closer by the second and we still weren't moving.  "Yes sir... Over by the pizza shop on fifth avenue... Okay goodbye."

I heard a slight hissing sound to my right. When I looked over, Sam was standing there trying to get everyone's attention.  He pointed to us and himself then made the universal "follow me" hand motion and started walking.

We followed him silently as he led us along the sidewalk and turned onto side streets I didn't even know were  there and continued along until we came out somewhere in the middle of Central Park.

"What are we doing here?" Jacob asked the question we were all dying to hear the answer to.

"Do you not hear that guy back there?" Sam asked. "He was probably on contact with the government and of we don't hurry we could be going back to the lab any minute and I highly doubt any of you want that to happen. So I would suggest that you keep your big mouths shut and do what I say," he paused for breath. "Okay?"

Everyone nodded submissively and watched Sam for further instructions.

"Let's go this way." He turned around and started walking on gone of the dirt paths that looped through the park. "And don't look so stiff. People might get overly curious."

The five of us did our best to act relaxed and fanned out along the road walking and talking like most teenagers would do. Luckily for us, we had ready disguises- Sam and I had backpacks, which we had cut homes into to accommodate our large and cumbersome wings; and Lillie wore an overly large pair of sweatpants with her tail tucked in; and Jacob and Tyler were lucky enough not to need anything special.

When we got to the edge of the park, Tyler hailed a taxi and had him take us to the nearest hotel. Jacob's master plan was for him to sprint into the building and steal one- or two- of the room keys from right underneath the clerk's nose and for us to use those rooms until we were found out. It wasn't perfect but hopefully it would work for a while.

The hotel that the taxi driver took us to was closer than I had expected. Of course, as soon as he let us out, Jacob disappeared and the rest of us wandered around right outside of the doors for the few minutes it took for Jacob to come back to us.

"I got the key," he said triumphantly holding up two shiny rectangles of plastic. "Unfortunately it is only one suite but it was under the "two bedroom" label so I think we are good."

"Good job, Jake," Sam praised. "We should probably head inside so we can get some rest."

Jacob led the way into the building having already been inside and knowing where the elevators were. We quickly boarded an empty one and made our way up to floor twenty-six.

After arriving at room 2673, Jacob slid one of his room keys into the lock on the outside of the door before pulling the handle and stepping inside.

The suit was gorgeous. Right when you walked in, you were greeted with a large living room with two lush grey couches angled to face both each other and the flat screen TV pressed into the wall. To your immediate right was a small kitchenette with a miniature fridge already stocked full of sodas, a sink, and a microwave oven all ready to use. The large pantry was stuffed as well. There was cereal, pop tarts, chips, and a few microwaveable dinners.

On the far wall to the right was a door to a short hallway that led to the two bedrooms.

"Wow," I breathed.

"Wow is right," Lillie agreed beside me.

When I snapped out of my daze, I saw that all three of the boys were sprawled on the couches and were fumbling with the television remote.

"Boys," Lillie sighed. I laughed and followed as she dragged me to one of the bedrooms.

"This is amazing," I stated.

Our bedroom had a queen sized bed, a floor-to-ceiling window with a gorgeous view of Times Square, and it's own personal bathroom connected to the bedroom itself. There were two dark wood dressers, one on each side of the room, and a large mirror hanging in between them.

"Absolutely," Lillie said in awe.

We stood in silence for a few minutes taking in the enormity of everything that had happened.

Eventually I looked over at her and grinned. "Want to jump on the bed?" I asked.

Lillie's face lit up in a huge smile. "Race you," she said.

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