Chapter 7

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hey guys! so hereis the next update... thanks to everyone who has read thus far.  comment if you like it, dont like it, want me to add something, or whatever else y'all feel like saying.

happy reading!


Chapter 7


We had been at the hotel for three days now and had settled into a regular routine. Every morning around ten o'clock, Lillie and I would wake up, shower, and meet Sam an Tyler in the kitchen for breakfast which Jacob had snagged from the breakfast bar earlier that morning. Jacob would, at that moment, be running through the city making sure no creepy scientist dudes were anywhere to be seen before rejoining us for what he called our "mandatory morning meetings."

During these meetings, we would discuss the situation we were in, what to do if we are found, what we each had to do that day, and other teenager like things.

When the meetings were over, Lillie and I would go "shopping." This involved walking through stores- essential and nonessential- and finding things that we needed or liked or wanted because hey that's a cute shirt and why not?

Lillie would then cause some kind of diversion and I would turn on my super speed and zip around the store collecting whatever we needed- or wanted- and shoving it all into my backpack, which also conveniently contained my wings.

Then we would meet back in the hotel room and have the rest of the day "off."

Kind of elaborately simple, but it worked.

I had always expected my first trip to NYC to be filled with adventure and touristy attractions done with my parents. I had not pictured it to be while I was on the run from the government with a group of other teenage mutants like me. But what's a girl to do when her life is turned upside down?

Tonight, however, we had decided to break the schedule and go out as a group. Jacob had suggested a bar and Lillie had suggested a fancy restaurant- neither of those were going to happen. Instead, I found myself inside the MnM's store with only Lillie remaining by my side after the first minute of being in the store. Who knew guys were as crazy about their chocolate as girls were?

Slowly, I scanned the shelves lined with chocolate, deeply inhaling the scent of the sugary candy. Before long I had lost myself in the store and had no clue where any of my friends were.

"Hello," I heard someone call to my right. "You aren't lost are you?" The figure approached me from behind and put his hand on my shoulder.

I spun around. "No. Yeah, no. No I'm not lost," I stuttered. "Who are you?"

The person belonging to the voice was a young boy who looked to be a year or so older than I. He had rich black hair that was cut short. The boy wore dark blue jeans and a black band tee. He stood staring at me intensely with eyes that were a deep rich sapphire blue. And was that a British accent I heard?

The boy smiled. "I'm Adam Wright," he said extending his hand. "And you are?"

"Casey Hanson," I replied shaking his hand. "Sorry I'm not really a people person."

"That's totally understandable. Are you here with someone?"

"No. I mean yes. Yes I'm here with some friends but I don't really know where they went," I said.  Way to go Casey. You just totally embarrassed yourself yet again.

He smirked. "I can see that. It is a large store for someone unaccustomed to this city. Where are you from?"

"I'm actually from New York I've just never been into the city before. I came with some friends and I should actually probably be going so I guess I'll see you later?"

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