Chapter 22

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hey guys. got another chapter up for you. let me know whatcha think.

Chapter 22

When I wake I am laying on my back staring at a cloud covered ceiling. It is a sad attempt, really, to imitate the sky. I mean, the light is right above my head, and there aren’t trees or birds. Instead of being angry, I am just sad.

A door opens behind me. Immediately, I sit up and hear a jingling noise. I look down and see a manacle wrapped around my ankle attached to a large chain. I follow the chain with my eyes until it meets the wall. I hear shuffling behind me and struggle to turn around. If I could only see who is in here with me, maybe I could relax.

A woman appears in my periphery. “Hello,” she says with a smile. What is it with psychopaths and smiling? It’s creepy. “My name is Dr. Anderson.”

“And my name is Casey. Though I’d assume you already knew that. Can we skip the introductions please? Just tell me why I am here and maybe we can get through today without me breaking something of yours,” I smile. “Preferably the head or neck.”

Dr. Anderson’s smile wavers. “Miss Hansen, I am only here to help.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. “I am not his daughter.”

“Yes, of course. He said that you would protest but I am here to show you that your attempts are both incorrect and futile,” she says. “Now, will you follow me or do I need to have you sedated?”

“Well first you’ll have to unchain me,” I say. “That would be a good first step.”

Dr. Anderson walks to the spot where my chain meets the wall. She leans down, produces a key from her coat pocket, and inserts it into the keyhole. The chain unhooks from the wall. Dr. Anderson strides back over to me and hands me the chain. “You can hold this,” she says. “Follow me.”

She walks to another door that I had neglected to notice and opens it gesturing for me to go through first. I walk through and follow the path until I reach yet another door. I open it and walk through. Inside is a large machine along with a metal table.

“Lay down.” the chain is taken from my hands and fastened to the floor next to the table. I comply, unwillingly, and lay down on top of the metal table. Dr. Anderson moves about the room performing various tasks that I can’t see.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

No answer.

“Whatcha doin’?” I try again. Dr. Anderson appears in front of me. In her hand she holds a scalpel and a small gun. “What?”

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” she says. “Either you cooperate, or I can have you fully chained to that table.”

I sit up. “Tell me what you’re doing first. Then maybe I’ll give you an answer.”

“I was hoping you would say that. Hard way it is.” She reaches to her belt and pulls out a walkie-talkie. She presses a button and returns it to her belt. No more than three minutes later, a group of armed soldiers, like I had seen the day before, enter the room. Two of them carry leather bindings. I am pushed harshly back onto the table and held down. First, my legs are strapped down, then my arms. A strap goes over my chest and even my wings are spread and strapped down. I lift my head to try and see what is going on but then that is tied down as well.

As quickly as they appeared, the soldiers are gone. I am alone with Dr. Anderson yet again.

“Now,” she says, “We can proceed as planned.” I struggle against my bonds as I feel the table moving backwards. A slight overhang appears above my head.

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