Chapter 25

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Bam! another chapter wrote and saved. hope you guys like it. as always let me know what you think in the comments. Also be sure to check out my new book This Infinite World. Just go to my profile and click on it in the My Works list.

Chapter 25

The mattress compresses next to me and an arm snakes across my waist. I open my eyes. Harsh sunlight streams into the room from the curtains I forgot to close.

"Hey, beautiful." Warm breath flows onto the back of my neck causing me to shiver.

"Hey," I mumble back.

"You awake yet?"

"I wasn't until you laid on top of me."

"Yeah, well that's not exactly my fault."

"How so?"

"Check it out," Sam sits up pulling me with him.

"What am I looking for?"

"Television. We're famous now," he says. Sam points at the glowing TV.

A lady with short brown hair sits at a round table with a tall man. I recognize them both from the news channel. Up in the corner is a picture of a teenage girl with long brown hair, green eyes and...wings.

"...last night. She escaped with two of Dane's Research employees. We have been told that this girl is extremely dangerous and should not be approached by any other than trained and armed police. If anyone sees any of these teens they are to call the number on the screen immediately." A telephone number appears in big white numbers across the bottom of the screen.

"Told ya," Sam says at my surprised face. He turns back to the television and a thoughtful expression crosses his face. "You know, at least they have a good picture of you. You know, one before you went on the run with a bunch of hooligans, like myself, and stopped worrying about personal hygiene."

I smack his chest. "Ow! Dang woman what was that for?"

"Are you saying I smell?"

Sam leans his head toward me and sniffs the air. "Maybe a little?" I smack him again. "Ow! Alright, alright. You smell like pretty little flowers. Happy now?"

"I would have been if you hadn't added that last statement," I reply hitting him again.

"Dang it," Sam mutters. "Okay, stop hitting me! Geez I'm gonna have serious bruises after that."

"Well you should have thought of that before you said I smell, jerk."

I climb off of the bed- and over Sam in the process. Grabbing my bag of stolen clothes I walk to the bathroom and open the door. Sitting on the counter with the hair dryer in her hand is Danni. To be honest I had momentarily forgotten she was here with us.

"Casey, you're awake," Danni says leaping from the counter. She runs into my arms and wraps me in a hug. "I thought I was going to have to wait another six days for you to get out of bed."

"Not this time, thankfully," I reply. "I'm going to have a shower if you don't mind?"

"Go ahead," she says picking up the hair dryer and a small bag that I had failed to notice earlier. Danni crinkles her nose. "You kinda smell."

"Gee thanks," I mutter closing the door behind her. She and Sam are too alike it's almost scary.

I quickly strip of my clothes and step into the shower, under the warm running water. After what Sam said I try and remember the last time I had a proper shower. Not since I was at the lab. Maybe at the base. I decide to go with that because if I think any further back I might just pass out from disgust with myself.

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