Chapter 38

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Hey everyone! Okay so this is the final chapter of Barely Human. I just wanted to say thanks for reading and supporting this story. It means a lot to me that so many people have read and liked my book even though it is an extremely rough draft and nowhere near perfect.

so thank you thank you thank you. :) enjoy this final installment and be sure to let me know what you think

Chapter 38

I open my eyes to a dim room lit only by the torches mounted on the walls. The walls are made of a smooth gray stone and vines grow wild all around. There is a bench carved into the wall and a table sprouting from the ground in the middle of the square room. Only then do I notice that I am not the only one in the room.

Slowly I stand up and I walk toward the table. There, sitting calmly inside a glass bubble encompassed within the stone is a small child. Her coal black hair coupled with pale skin gives her a porcelain look. I knock on the glass.

Electric blue eyes meet mine. Suddenly the world starts to spin. I clutch the table for support as my legs crumple from beneath me. The girl opens her mouth and says something but I can't hear her.

"What?" I call out.

"Behind you," I read from her lips.

I turn around. Behind me stands a shadow, just out of view and as I take a step forward, everything goes black.


I sit up with a start, sweat streaming down my face. "Huh?" I ask of no one.

"Oh good you're awake." I turn my head and see Sam walking toward me from the direction of the door. "I was just about to wake you up."

"What's going on?"

Sam shrugs. "Nothing really. A lot of the same- empty hallways with the occasional passerby. No alarms have gone off yet which is both good and bad."

"How long did I sleep for?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"About six hours," he says. The couch creaks as Sam sits down at my feet.

"Sam!" I exclaim smacking his arm.


"We are supposed to be getting out and you let me sleep for that long? Are you nuts?"

"You seem to think so," he replies with a laugh. "You punch like a girl."

"That's 'cause I am one."

"Really? I never would have noticed." I smack him again. "Oww!"



"I am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

I can't help but laughing. We sound like a couple of kids. "We're pathetic."

"You're right. You are pathetic."

He yelps when I smack him again. "Jerk."


"We are not starting this again," I laugh.

"We're not?" Sam asks feigning innocence.

"No. Now get your lazy butt up. We're leaving."

Sam sighs and slowly stands up from the couch. "Fine," he says.

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