Chapter 30

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hey guys. another chapter up for y'all. let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Chapter 30

We congregate in another large room, though not as large as the original one. There are a few couches and chairs spread throughout and when all the seats are taken up, blankets are laid on the floor for those who still wish to sit. While the younger children sit in clumps, the older ones tend to sit individually. I observe all this as I walk toward the back corner of the room where Jason, Lilie, Sam, and Jacob huddle. Adam is nowhere to be seen but surprisingly I am not too worried about him.

Sam smiles when I reach their group and wraps an arm around my waist pulling me close. “So what’d I miss?” I ask.

Jacob clears his throat and turns toward me. “Not much really. We were just trying to figure out what our next move should be.”

“I think our best bet would be to take Mary’s suggestion and hone our abilities so that when we attack we can overwhelm their systems and have a better shot at taking those creeps down once and for all,” Jason says. It doesn’t surprise me that he would think this. His ability to control the winds could come in real handy if we were to attack my dad’s base.

“But I think the best route is to approach stealthily and sneak up on them. That way we have the element of surprise on our side,” Jacob says.

“What do you think?” I ask Sam.

He shrugs. “I think they’re both right.”

“That’s helpful.”

“I try.”

“Could you two shut up for a second? You’re gonna make me puke,” Jason states. When I glare at him he grins widely. “Anyway, I was going to ask the kids, but it looks like they have other plans.” Jason nods toward the rest of the room and yet again, there are groups on the ceilings and walls playing different games.

“I’ve been dying to know- who has the anti-gravity power?” I ask. “It seems like whenever I am around this group there are people on the ceiling.”

“Evan. He’s one of the older children,” Jason replies. “That’s him over there.”

I follow Jason’s gaze to see a thin, sandy-haired kid doing a handstand on the ceiling so that it looks like he is just hanging by his palms. The other children laugh around him with huge smiles on their faces.

“Cool guy.”

Lillie nods. “He is. Especially considering what he went through- what they all went through.”

“What’s that?” Jacob asks.

Jason shrugs. “They were all experimented on. Some were born normal and were used as lab rats to try and add different mutations to a regular human.”

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