Chapter 36

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hey guys. here's  the next chapter. including this one there are only three left. so I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 36

Less than ten minutes after Sam walks out of the door of my cell an alarm goes off. I roll my eyes and move to take the stick away from my door so that it will close. However I don't get that far.

An unearthly force slams into me, flinging me against the far wall. I slump to the ground. It's not Emma- I can tell that much because I am still in control of my body- but someone else had just slammed me against the wall of my cell without touching me. I rise slowly to my feet and look around. My cell is the same as ever, glaringly bland, and the hallway-

My vision goes black. And not like the oh-I-just-stood-up-too-fast kind of black vision. The full out I-am-blind kind. I literally could see nothing but a big black screen. I scream.

I can hear voices from the general direction of the hallway but I can't be sure who they are.

"-still here," says a feminine voice.

"She can't see anything though. I put her out," a different voice, this time male.

I fumble around in the darkness until I feel the side of my bed. I lower myself into a sitting position and immediately feel more secure.

"Thanks, Mark," the first voice says. Listening to her talk longer I can now identify the first speaker as Hope. And the second voice belongs to some guy names Mark who must be a mutant. I wonder if he is brainwashed like the rest of them.

"Do you want me to take her out?"

"Yes please. Down to interrogation room A." Oh not again. "And bring her friends as well."

"Yes ma'am."

Footsteps fade away as another pair draws nearer. "Careful now," Mark says. He is infinitely closer now and I flinch away. "Can you stand up?"

I shake my head but don't speak. Fear lances through my body and I let it take me over. Mark sighs and seconds later I feel arms circle my body- one around my back and one under my legs- and lift me from the bed. I squeak again and clutch at Mark's chest.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Casey. You're too valuable."

I close my eyes and try to block everything out from the blaring alarm to the feel of Mark's hands on me. It's a horrific experience suddenly losing your sight when you've had it all your life. Probably about as bad as finding out your dad is an evil scientist who experiments on innocent children.

My feet slam into a doorframe and I cry out.

"Sorry," Mark mumbles. He continues walking however and places me in a cold metal chair. A cold hand presses against my forehead. "You can open your eyes now, Casey."

And I do. I slowly peel my eyelids back only to be greeted with a harsh white light. I close them again immediately. "What did you do to me?"

I open my eyes and see Mark shrug. While the light still bothers by eyes it is bearable and I would rather see my captor. "Honestly?" he says. "I took your eyesight. I've always been able to do stuff like that since I was little just not from long ranges." It's then I realize that his eyes are a deep brown color- not black. Mark is here willingly.

"Stuff like what?" I ask.

"Make people blind; take the use of their legs or arms. I can take people's hearing away or make it so that they can't feel a certain body part," Mark says counting them off on his fingers as he goes. "Oh, and I can propel them a short distance with my mind. It's great."

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