Chapter 23

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 Hey guys. sorry for the wait but i've got another part. vote, comment, and let me know what you think.

Chapter 23 

“Wake up!”

I jerk upright and nearly smack face-first into the figure leaning over me.

“Jeez. It sure takes a lot to get you up in the morning,” says the girl. “Especially since you’ve slept for six days already.” She smiles. “Name’s Danni. And you must be Casey.”

“Yeah,” I mutter. I was out for a week? When did that happen. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and finally look up at the girl. She stands tall above me with a head full of strawberry blond hair cut short, and black eyes. Great. The girl can’t be older than twelve or thirteen. She wears ripped jean shorts and a loose black hoodie. “What do you want,” I ask.

Danni sighs. “Look I don’t want to be one of your ‘captors’ who drags you around and shoves you through doors. I’m as alone here as you are even though we are on different sides. And,” her voice lowers to a whisper as her eyes glance nervously around the ceiling, “I want out as well.” Danni smiles and I can’t help being reminded of Emma.

I nod slightly, still not convinced at her act but willing to go along with it. “What’s your power?” I ask.

She giggles and I roll my eyes. “Watch this,” she says. Danni spins around and skips into the corner of the room. She opens the window which, last I checked, was locked. Then, reaching a hand out into the open air begins to twirl her fingers.

Soon after, I hear a clap of thunder followed by a sudden downpour and a flash of lightning. “Tada,” she brings her hand back into the room and poses.

“Impressive,” I say.

“Thanks,” Danni squeaks. It’s obvious that she is new at this- having mutant powers and fighting with mad scientists. Her giddy personality as well as her own excitement at controlling the weather gives that away. “Oh and I was told to take you into lunch with the rest of the kids.” I notice that she doesn’t say mutant. I wish I knew the extent of their brainwashing.

Only one way to find out. “Sure I’ll come,” I say. “Have you got any other clothes? I don’t think this is appropriate for outside contact,” I say glancing down at my cotton gown that was oh so generously supplied by my loving father.

“I have just the thing,” Danni says and bounces out of the room closing the door behind her.

I hop up from the couch and fling myself at the window and attempt to pry it open. Not surprisingly it comes open. I sigh in relief and nearly jump out of my skin when the door opens again. I quickly slam the window shut and turn around to face Danni staring at me with a puzzled expression. She quickly corrects herself however and thrusts a pair of jeans and a tie-dye tank top at me.

“Here ya go,” she exclaims. “I hope they fit.”

Then she exits the room. I quickly change into the new clothes dropping the horrendous gown on the floor where it hopefully will stay forever. I run back over to the window again and pull it open. A gentle breeze blows across my face and into the room. I feel my wings twitch behind me, aching to be out in the fresh air. I breathe in the fresh air before closing the window and turning back into the room.

Danni comes back in and smiles at me. “Oh goody they fit,” she says clapping her hands. “Now come on the others should be getting to the café about now,” she says. I am almost dragged from the room as Danni runs through the halls. We almost knock over four different people all carrying dangerous looking equipment before finally coming to a large room.

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