Chapter 20

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hey hey hey! got another chapter written up for you guys! make sure to coment and vote to let me know what you think. also, if you havent looked at my new story yet go check it out.

Happy reading!

Chapter 20

“What are you doing here?” I ask confused as to why Sam is here. I just saw him back at the base.

“The same thing you are,” he says. “Except I came voluntarily.”

“Where are we?”

“California,” is his short reply.

“Why am I here, Sam?” he looks tired. There are dark circles under his dark eyes and his blond hair is disheveled and matted. “What happened to you?”

His eyes narrow. “I woke up,” he snaps. Sam starts to leave.

“Wait,” I call out. He stops in his tracks. “Sam, this isn’t you. Whatever they did to you, it’s not real.”

“This is my life, Casey,” he says turning back around. “The only difference is that I decided to accept it rather than fight it. I told them about the others, you know,” he adds almost as an afterthought. “Too bad you won’t be there to save them.”

My mouth falls open in shock. “You what?”

“I told them. It’s really not that hard of a concept. You should learn to comprehend it.” And with that he leaves. Not a glance over his shoulder, a falter in his step, nothing.

“Sam,” I whisper as the door closes between us effectively cutting off whatever I was going to say.

I sit down on the couch burying my head in my hands. I start to cry. How I’ve avoided breaking down before now not even I know. I cry and I cry and I cry. I cry for the girl I was, carelessly going about my day learning pointless information at school and then spending my afternoons alone but content. I cry for my parents and how they lied to me all of my life. I cry for Lillie, Jacob, Tyler and all of the others- my friends- who have been betrayed by one they considered family. I cry for all of our losses. The freedom we once had, the joy that was forcefully ripped from our lives, the childhoods that were taken from us. But most of all I cry for Sam and whatever happened to him. Already I miss him, I feel like he was taken from me and I can’t handle it, I won’t handle it.

I promise myself now that whatever happens, whatever obstacles there may be, I will get us both out of here.


I wake up some time later completely disoriented. I have no idea where I am, what happened to me or how I got here. Then it all comes crashing back.

There is a knock at the door and seconds later it opens. Standing there is a young man. He is tall and lean with a mop of black hair covering most of his face. What I can see of it is his full red lips and black eyes. He wears a grey t-shirt and jeans.

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