Chapter 2

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hey everyone :D  so i think i'm going to update this about once  every week unless more people read it and like it. feel free to comment and tell me what you like (or don't like) about it and wasy i could improve, etc.

so here it is! happy reading!

Chapter 2

The next day at school was relatively boring. We had a free period in English so Sam and I sat talking in the back of the room. I swear if looks could kill, I’d be dead so many times. All of the girls in the room were staring at me with such undisguised hate and jealousy it was scary.

I learned a lot about my new friend that day. He had grown up in North Carolina in an orphanage for boys before being adopted by his parents when he was ten. Since then he had lived in Virginia with his adoptive parents and siblings. He and his siblings spent a lot of time alone or with each other so they were all very close.

After the period ended, he walked me to History before heading off to find his next class.

Before I knew it, the day had ended. I headed down to my father’s office again to retrieve the keys to the jeep. And again, talking to my father in his office, was Sam. I know he was new but usually they had a guidance councilor help them get adjusted to their schedule, not an assistant principal.

I walked in, grabbed my keys, and walked back out before I could get sucked into a conversation. Unfortunately, before I was out of the building, I heard someone call my name from behind.

“Casey, wait up.”

I stopped and turned around. Running to catch up with me was Sam. I wonder why he stuck around me. I wasn’t anyone special and certainly wasn’t pretty like other girls at the school. “What do you want, Sam?” I asked angrily.

He slowed down once had caught up with me. I immediately started walking again. “Hey, slow down. I was wondering if you could help me with the English project. I still need a partner and I know you haven’t got one.”

“I usually work by myself.”

He sighed. “Yeah, but I still need a partner. And I prefer to work with someone else.”

“Why don’t you ask someone else? I’m sure someone will be willing to work with you.” It came out rougher than I had intended.

“Whoa. Casey, what’s up?”

I shrugged. “Nothing. Just having a bad day, I guess.”


“Yeah. Well I’ll see you later. I have to start on that English project.”

Sam stopped walking. “Okay,” he said sounding defeated. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Yeah,” I replied not slowing down. “Bye.”

The drive home was long and boring. For whatever reason, the traffic today was extremely bad.

I was probably stuck in a mile long traffic jam before coming to the source of the problem; there was a seven-car accident. It looked like a driver had spun off of the road, knocking itself and three others into a ditch. I slowed down, just like everyone else, to get a closer look at the accident. One of the cars had turned upside down and started burning. As I looked closer, I could just make out the shape of a person walking through the flames.

When I got home, I grabbed my laptop from its place in my room, and walked back out of the house. I went out into the back yard and took off. I flew to my second hideout, a small cave at the base of a hill in the woods near the lake. It was only a few minutes hike from the lake-tree so I was able to fly most of the way.

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