Chapter 15

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hello everyone! so i had the day off school today so i decided to srite another installment  of this book. its like super long so i hope yall like it. enjoy


Chapter 15


As I made my carefully through the forest, I continued to hear the crunch of footsteps behind me. The problem was, no matter where I looked, I couldn’t seem to find them. And on top of all that, Emma was still nowhere to be found.  I crept along as quietly as possible; my wings tucked in behind me so they wouldn’t brush against branches and make more noise.

To make sure he was still following me, I stopped walking. I heard a few more crunches behind me indicating that Mystery Man was still following me and gaining. Suddenly I heard another crunching in the leaves, this time more distant and more urgent. Puzzled, I stopped and listened. The new footsteps seemed to be running in my direction while the first person did not make a sound

Then I heard an “oomph” as, I’m assuming, the newcomer tripped. This time, the footsteps closer to me decided to make a move. I heard them start walking again and as the second set of steps got closer, the first got quieter and more distant. That was weird.

   I turned to face the direction that I heard the new footsteps coming from and hesitantly took a step forward, emphasizing the crunch created by my foot on the dry leaves and grass. As I had expected, I heard an answering crunch from directly in front of me. I took a few more slow steps forward and heard their echoes resonating through the silence.

After a few more yards, I could make out the silhouette of a boy. That’s odd, I thought. Why would they send a kid after me? Unless he wasn’t really against me.

“Hello?” I called out.

“Casey?” he responded. “Is that you?”

I immediately recognized his voice. How had I not identified it earlier?


“Oh, thank gosh,” he sighed. “I was afraid you would make me follow you out here forever.”

I had to laugh at that. “It wasn’t even that far. And anyway, you would feel the same if you had just escaped from an evil scientist’s lab.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” he said scratching his head. “Had I known that Adam was going to turn out to be a weasel, I never would have doubted you.”

“I would have doubted me too,” I say trying to relieve some of his guilt. “It wasn’t your fault, none of us could have guessed.”

“I still feel bad,” he said. “So who were you calling out to back there? I thought I heard you call someone’s name.”

“Oh crap!” I had completely forgotten about Emma. What kind of a person am I if I can’t even remember my long-lost sister I had just found?

“Who was it?” Jacob asked.

“Uhh… my sister?” I say but it comes out as more of a question.

“That’s who that was!? There was a sleeping girl lying by a tree. I assumed she had like run away or something.”

“No, that’s my younger sister. She’s like eleven now I think. I haven’t seen her since I was eight and suddenly she shows up in my dad’s lab.”

“Your dad?” Jacob questions.

Crap. “Yes?” again my reply comes out as more of a question.

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