Chapter 10

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hey guys! so so sorry for the long wait. marching band camp started last week so ive been SUPER busy with that... again sorry for the wait but her's the next bit of my story. i hope yall like this and once again, please comment and let me know what you think.

Chapter 10

So it turns out that leaving the safety of our newfound safe haven in the middle of the night was not such a bright idea.

For one, neither of us could see anything at all so we continuously tripped over roots and sticks or ran face first into a low hanging branch. Secondly, I was still in a whole lot of pain from the injury I sustained to my left shoulder and wing and it was doing nothing but slowing us down. And finally, we hadn't thought very well about where, exactly, we would go or what we would do once we left so Sam and I did a lot of changing direction and backtracking.

Fortunately, after hours of wandering aimlessly through the woods, morning was quickly approaching. Light was beginning to thread it's way through the trees making it possible for us to see ahead of us and avoid tripping.

"Thank God it's finally bright enough to see," Sam remarked. "One more misplaced branch and I'da been toast."

"Says the guy with two good arms," I shot back.

Sam glared at me. "Is someone having a rough morning?" He cooed. "Want me to carry you?"

"Oh, shut up," I said and sped up my pace.

Sam laughed. "I was only kidding," he called. "I know you wouldn't accept help even if you were dying: you're just that stubborn."

I didn't answer him. I just kept on walking intent on putting as much distance between us and the house as possible before anyone woke up and noticed we were gone.

Sam sped up his pace and easily caught up with me. "You alright, Casey?"

"Oh yeah. I'm great," I replied my voice dripping heavily with sarcasm. "Absolutely perfect. I got shot two days ago and now I'm officially on the run again."

He placed his hand on my arm and brought me to a halt. "Hey I get that we aren't exactly in the most perfect of situations right now, but you don't have to be snappy. You didn't have to leave the cabin; it was perfectly safe. You are the one who chose to leave."

"So what, Sam? Now I'm the bad guy? You didn't have to come with me."

"Yes I did. Where would you be right now without me?" He asked and stalked off.

Great. Just great. It's only been five hours and already I've somehow managed to piss him off. What a lovely expedition this is turning out to be...

Eventually we got out of the woods, and walked into the back of a neighborhood.

"Think we are in someone's yard?" I asked breaking the hours-long silence.

"Probably," Sam answered without slowing his pace.

I followed him out to the street wondering if this was the best idea. After all I couldn't very well hide my wings since the one was still all bandaged up. If anyone saw us, though, they didn't say anything.

"Let's find the road and see if we can catch a ride into the closest town. Then we can work on finding a place to stay," Sam said.

"Lead the way," I said and gestured sarcastically with my hand.

And he did just that.

Sam took off at a brisk pace and didn't slow until he reached the mouth of the neighborhood. He turned left and continued to walk on the side of the road.

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