Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“So explain to me again, what exactly you were doing just a minute ago?”

“It’s not what you think,” Jacob tries to defend himself.

“What was it then? Because when I walked in you were beating the crap out of Adam- who I admit deserves it- for no reason.”

“Okay well maybe it is what you think…”

“That’s what I thought,” I reply. Honestly I sometimes feel like a mother scolding her children with the way this group acts. Granted we are teenagers with no adult supervision but that doesn’t mean we can go beating each other up for no good reason. “Now I want you to go make sure he is alright while I deal with the other trouble makers.”

Jacob walks off shamefully before grabbing Adam by his collar and practically dragging him out of the room. I sigh before walking toward the group of savages who are still attacking the chips.

“The least you could’ve done is save some for me,” I say when I arrive to find four of five empty chip bags.

“I was hungry,” Jason defends himself while Sam nods along, crumbs circling his mouth.

“Jacob did actually have good reason to hit Adam, you know,” Lillie says.

“I know he probably did but we can’t afford to have anyone beat up and unable to pitch in, even if he is a lying traitor.”

“I get it,” she says.

“You girls taking about us?” Sam asks walking over to me and Lillie and wrapping an arm around my waist. Jason comes to stand next to Lillie.

“No, actually. We were discussing her idiot boyfriend,” I reply gesturing toward Lillie.

“Well I can’t argue with that,” Lillie says.

“When did he even get here? I totally missed that part.”

Lillie shrugs. “He said that he was in the area. I personally don’t believe it but who am I to argue. I mean he can run across the country and back in about an hour so maybe he really was just passing by.”

“How did he know to find us here? I thought he was supposed to meet us in Cali.”

“I don’t know. But you could ask him.”

“I’d rather you not interrogate my best friend, Casey. No offense but that would freak even me out,” Sam comments.

Lillie laughs. “You’re not scared of her are you, Sam?”

He shrugs and runs a hand through his hair. “Maybe a little.”

I smack him in the chest. “I am not scary.”

“She says after she abuses me.”

“Whatever. Hey Lillie want to come with me to finish mapping out this place?”

“Sure,” she says. “I’ve got nothing better to do. See ya later losers.”

I shrug Sam’s hand off from my waist and follow Lillie out of the room. We walk in silence for a minute before Lillie speaks again. “I never got to thank you.”

“For what?”

“Saving my life. I know I was unconscious but Jason said you got me out of there even though you had to stay.”

“Oh. Yeah you’re welcome. You would’ve done it for me.”

We walk along further. I run my hands along the walls loving the feel of the sculpted rock against my fingers. “I wonder how Tate found a place like this.”

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