Chapter 5

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Hi all! sorry i'm a little late uploading this... i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and worked all last week :)  thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed my story so far!

Happy reading!


Chapter 5

After finding our way to the main road, we walked for about an hour before we came to the nearest gas station. Sam sent Lillie and me inside to grab some snacks and drinks while he and the boys went to "borrow" a car. Personally, I felt guilty about the whole ordeal. I mean, it's not like we can control the fact that we were being hunted and were running for our lives, but being raised in a civilized area it went against all my morals to steal someone's car.

Apparently the people we're running from are the government. That didn't exactly help matters much, but it is what it is. They support the group of crazy scientists that evolved us and had been trying to bring us all back to the lab for further tests. From what I could tell, they had been chasing my new friends for the past three years and only with the help of Maggie's weird house had they managed to escape.

Lillie and I grabbed four large bags of potato chips, a package of beef jerky, five waters, and three two-liter cokes. We also got a handful of those chocolate chip cookie things that they have at most gas stations. We paid forty dollars for our snacks and I absently wondered where the money came from.

Once we had paid and grabbed the bags of food, Lillie and I headed back outside to see Sam and Jacob not so casually leaning against a white minivan. I didn't see Tyler, so I assumed he was the one working on the car.

"A crap ton of junk food, coming right up," Lillie announced as she dumped the contents of her bag on one of the back seats. Immediately, Sam and Jacob attacked the bag like vultures and rifled through the contents of our purchase.

Finding what they liked, they backed away from the van and resumed their position outside the car, only now they were stuffing their faces with chips and cookies.

"Well that was fast," I commented.

Lillie shrugged. "They're vultures, teenage boys. All of 'em."

"Ain't that the truth," I laughed.

Within the next five minutes, Tyler had the van up and running. We all piled in- girls in the back, Sam and Tyler in the front, and Jacob in between.

"So where to now?" Jacob inquired.


"No idea," Tyler finally answered after sharing a glance with Sam.

"Well shouldn't we at least have a destination in mind?"

"We should, yes," Sam answered shortly," but we don't and you're gonna have to deal with that."

"Rawr," Jacob mocked making claws with his fingers. "Someone's got their panties in a twist."

"Shut up, Jacob," Lillie said.

After glancing around the car to see that no one was amused, Jacob finally gave in and we sat in silence.


Four hours later we pulled into the parking lot of a Super 8 hotel. Jacob, Lillie, and I got out at the front door and went to book rooms. We walked through the front door and over to the desk.

"Hi. Welcome to Super 8. May I help you?" the perky desk lady asked us.

"Yeah. Can we have two rooms please?" Lillie asked.

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