Chapter 4

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hey guys! two updates, two days in a row? whaaaaat!? crazy right. i know. well here's the fourth chapter for this story, so enjoy!

also i'd like to give a special thanks to Msbeezlebub for designing the cover for the book!

Chapter 4

The next morning I woke up to the sound of yelling.

Immediately, I sat up. I took in my surroundings and realized that yesterday was not just a dream. I was sitting on a large bed pushed into the corner of a small bedroom. Set into the wall across from where I was sitting, was a small brown door. I didn’t remember coming up to the room but I was known for sleep walking.

I got out of the bed, walked through the door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

“I’m not staying shut inside all day just because there is some new girl in the house. So what if she gets out, I’m sure Sam already showed her the door anyway.”

“Lillie, please just stay here. One day is all I am asking,” I heard Tyler reply. It seemed he always seemed to be calming people down which was weird to me because of his twisted appearance.

Lillie stormed out of the room, her long pointed tail swishing behind her, just as I was walking in. “Hello,” I said. “Sorry to interrupt whatever was just going on here.”

“Hey, Casey,” Tyler said turning to face me. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Obviously,” I muttered. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Whatever you want,” Tyler said. “I think there is cereal in the pantry and maybe some pancake mix. Help yourself.”

“Okay, thanks,” I said already heading toward the pantry. I flung open the doors and looked through the food piled haphazardly on the shelves. It was obvious someone had once tried to keep it neat and organized, but that over time their attempt had been squashed.

Eventually, I settled on a pack of strawberry pop tarts and sat at the table to eat.

When I was done eating breakfast, I went back upstairs and tried to find the room I had been in yesterday morning when I had first gotten here. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I found what I thought was the right room. I walked to the door at the back of the room and opened it to find a bathroom. Relieved that I wouldn’t have to share with anyone else, I quickly undressed and stepped into the shower.

When I had finished, I wrapped in a towel and walked back out into the room, over to the dresser, and pulled open the top drawer hoping to find clean clothes that were at least close to my size.

Fortunately for me, the dresser was filled with clothes, all in the correct size. After settling on a pair of jean shorts and a light blue tank top, I walked back out into the hall.

“Looking for someone?” I heard a voice ask behind me.

I turned to look at the boy standing in the middle of the hall. “What did I ever do to make you dislike me, Jacob?”

“Well, let’s see,” he began. “You’re new here, you act all high and mighty just because you’ve been out in the world, and you stole my best friend from me. Do I need to go on?”

“Please don’t,” I said. “I get that you are upset I’m here but that doesn’t give you the right to be rude.”

“Sure it does. I’m so much better than you; I only wish that you could see it.”

“Whatever, Jacob,” I replied and walked off.

Suddenly he was standing in front of me again.

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