Remember, remember-Chapter 39

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When I wake everything is different. My ears pound with the sound of deafening music, the beats coursing threw my veins.  I raise my hands to my ears instinctively to block out the noise but instead it engulfs me in a whole new kind of noise, the voices taunting me, frightening me, their brittle tones shaking me to my very core.

“Remember, remember the eve of her death, your innocence is crying out what it has left, your wailing and cries never die, unlike her who hangs so high” each syllable pounding my temples making my veins pulse violently.

“Go away” I scream “Please leave me alone” tears pore down my face ruining my makeup, fluorescent UV paint smears over my cheeks making me glow in the gloomy club. Why am I back here? How did I get here? I look down to see that I am wearing a pair of shorts and a plain white tank top, both covered in the colourful paint.

“Hope” Luke shouts over the music, his hand placed firmly on my shoulder. He greets me with a warm smile, he places his hands on my hips and leans down to kiss me, and I kiss him back revelling in the safety his presence brings. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, his voice full of worry, he lifts his hand to my cheeks and wipes away the few stray tears, his thumb glistens with the UV paint and I can’t help but smile at the sincerity of his sweet gesture.

“I-I’m fine, just a little overwhelmed, that’s all” I lie giving him my most convincing smile. This is all in my head, I can’t let it control me, and I just have to enjoy being here with Luke after all it’s where I feel safest.

“James has gone to get us some drinks, although I think he’s a little preoccupied” he laughs and gestures towards the bar where James is surrounded by girls who all seem to have him engaged in conversation. “Are you okay without a drink?” he asks tilting my chin so that he can scan my face for emotion.

“I’m fine, honestly, let’s go and dance” I rush my words begging him to be compliant. Luke smiles and grabs my hand leading me towards the dance floor. The loud music makes the floor vibrate, making my feet tingle, the dance floor is filled with semi clad girls grinding against semi clad boys that are desperate for a fling. I can’t help but be grateful that I’m here with my boyfriend, a boyfriend he respects me and cares for me.

As we reach the middle of the dance floor Luke grabs me by the waist and starts jumping around to the beat of the music, I jump around joining him in this crazy dance that everyone seems to be so happily involved in. I close my eyes for a brief second revelling in the enjoyment and of the dance and the sound of the music. Luke pulls me too him slowing his movements slightly, his hips grinding against mine, our erotic dance making my stomach clench in naughty anticipation. I want him; I want him to make love to me, here and now.

“This is so fun” I shout to him over the music, I don’t think he hears me but he nods his head in acknowledgement.  “I love you” I shout to him but he carries on dancing as if he hasn’t heard me “Luke, I said I love you” I shout again but he stares ahead of him, a smile still plastered on his face, still dancing to the music as if he’s a toy on a wind. “Luke” I scream but he doesn’t answer, I push him away but my arms fail me and I fall backwards, but before I hit the ground someone’s arms are beneath me and pulling me up.

“I think it’s my turn to dance” his voice taunts me, I take a deep breath before spinning to meet his gaze which ultimately confirms my worst nightmares, standing in front of me is Jai. He leans forward and whispers into my ear “don’t fight it baby”, I want to kick and scream and throw a tantrum but instead I oblige as he grabs a hold of my waist and begins to dance.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss, how could he be here? What am I doing here? What the fuck is going on?

“You should’ve figured it out by now, come on baby you’re smart, you know why I’m here” his lips rise into his signature telling me that this is all part of some game. What am I supposed to have figured out? Why am I here? Then I remember the rhyme from before, the rhyme from the voices, ‘remember, remember the eve of her death, your innocence is crying out what it has left, your wailing and cries never die, unlike her who hangs so high’, Ruby.

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