Cursed- Chapter 44

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âThis is Officer Arnold, calling for back-up, we have a mental patient suspected of possible murder, we need to investigate premises and evacuate suspect given appropriate circumstancesâ Officer Arnold barks into a walkie talkie after pressing the stop button on the recorder. He stands up, pushing the chair back hard behind him causing the metal legs to scrape across the floor.

âDo you think sheâs going to kill?â the Officer asks, his worry ever present.

âI donât think she wants toâ Rose whispers, believing every word. Would Hope really do this? Would she kill to please Jai? Does she have a choice?

The Officer paces towards the door, taking two strides at a time. âShe may not have a choiceâ he turns to Rose, his eyes regretful. Rose stands from her chair and follows him out of the door into the police station which is suddenly erupting with chaos, police officers and investigators run from door to door, assembling equipment. Voices are talking, filling the eerie void that is endless panic.

âHope Miller is eighteen years old; she used to attend NY High, child of Kendra and Beckett Miller, sister of deceased Ruby Miller, Hope Miller was a victim of homicide but was retrieved from the scene  before the bastard had a chance to kill her, unfortunately her sister could not be saved, we have reason to believe that she could be suffering from MPD, multiple personality disorder, her alter ego Jai Brooks seems to be a complete psychopath and we need to stop herâ Officer Arnold announces to the group of officers that had quickly assembled around him.

âHer sister was murdered?â Rose gasps, her heart jumping into her throat, choking her, sending her into a fit of coughs and splutters.

âHer sister was murdered two years ago; Hope was saved by one of our officers who died in the process, Officer Sahyounieâ Arnold reveals. Rose tries to compose herself, making all attempts to remain calm and collected but ultimately fails as tears begin to pool out of her eyes. âMiss Brown, Hope Miller was a victim to not only homicide but victim to heartbreak, she watched her sister die but was saved as a result, imagine how that must make a person feelâ he empathises âhowever that is no excuse for murder, but if we have a chance to prevent this then we can find her help without pressing charges, although we have no idea who she is to murder, when or whereâ he sighs in exasperation, he lifts his fingers to rub his temple to rid himself of tension. Suddenly his eyes light up as if contemplating an idea but quickly dismisses it.

âWe have to find herâ Rose whispers, her heart aching for the girl who was forced to grow up too soon.

âWe have every intention to Miss Brown, we are aware that she needs immediate help but we have to have a means of finding her, how do we know who her victim will be?â he shakes his head and sighs in defeat

âMiss Brown, what can you tell us about Jai Brooks?â he asks staring inquisitively at Rose whose expression wavers from dismay to regret.

âI think I need to take a seatâ she closes her eyes briefly attempting to consume all of the information that she has received in the space of a just a few minutes âand maybe some waterâ. The Officer nods and quickly obliges, leading her back towards the interrogation room, only this time more people follow.

Rose takes a seat opposite Officer Arnold, several officers scurry around filling glasses with water and placing them on the table, one in front of Rose and one Officer Arnold. Another Officer takes a seat next her, Rose drank in the Officers empathetic gaze and began divulging into the story of Jai Brooks.

âJai Brooks was only six years old when his father left him, his twin, his older brother and his mom. Heâs endured abuse, torment and utter terror from the so called authority figure. The otherâs never really had to face the brunt of his anger; it was only ever Jai, until one day his father lost control, his anger erupted from nowhere, and he swung for Jai, he battered him almost to a pulp, Jai was rushed to hospital with severe injuries, his leg broken, a fractured rib, Iâm sure if you can find the medical records youâll seen the full description of his injuries. His mom was distraught, at the time they were living in Australia, Melbourne near Ginaâs family, sorry his momâs family. She moved to her momâs house with the boys in attempts to get away from his dad but it didnât work, heâd find them wherever they went. He was just a frightened little boy, he was so scaredâ Rose stops abruptly as tears begin pouring down her face as her mind clouds with images of a little boy hiding from his abusive father.

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