Plan Set- Chapter 26

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-one month later-


I found something in me that for once I didn’t loathe, a certain aspect of my life seemed brighter, ironic given that I’d “embraced” my darkness. Being here, being with him was an inhuman feeling and I loved every second of it, feeding off of the hurt and fear of other beings, living like nothing can hurt us, living reckless and free. Early December used to be my favourite time of the year: the time to sing Christmas carols and decorate your house with bright flashy lights and tacky ass tinsel, early December was about the rush of the forthcoming celebration of Christmas.  Needless to say Jai doesn’t celebrate Christmas in the typical way, try more skull decorations and a fuck a day as a kind of countdown to Christmas where we’ll probably fuck in between courses.

At first I was confused by my darkness, I didn’t know what it meant, I felt like a whole weight had been lifted off of my chest like nothing mattered anymore, I didn’t have to feel guilty, sad, disappointed, any terribly human feelings had vanished. It was like I had been re-birthed into the person that I was meant to be. Of course at first the transition was difficult, I didn’t feel quite as comfortable as Jai with the kill. Killing someone was euphoric, it was like having an orgasm a thousand times over, and the thrill and rush of the kill was what we thrived on. The initial fear that coincided with our fatal trap was riveting, and then came the scream, the hurt, the awful human feelings that I no longer had to feel. I’ve become more of an accomplice rather than a killer, Jai usually does the killing I just lure the victims to the trap and torment them until their time is up, I mostly thrive on the chase and the catch rather than the kill itself but seeing Jai do something so dark and unkind turned me on immensely.

“You ready?” his thick Australian accent calls from the bathroom

“Aren’t I always” I call back; the air hit my naked skin, the cool sensation making the hair on my arms stick upright. I was still in the euphoric state of my recent orgasm; damn that boy knows how to make me feel good.

Normal lovers dirty talk in a way that stimulates their partner, something like “you’re so wet for me” or “you feel so good”, Jai doesn’t give any of that bullshit, he whispers stories into my ear as we fuck. He relapses over our previous kills, how he held his hands around our victim’s necks, throttling them until their last breath, blood flying as he slashes into their skin, their eyes bulging with fear.

“That’s what I like to hear” his voice is raspy and flirtatious and it makes my lower areas tingle with lust. I wanted him again, I wanted him a hundred times at once but I knew there was never enough time in the day, we had to set the traps the night before the kill or else the trap simply wouldn’t work. The trap takes time and planning and precision. I wonder towards the coffee table that is covered in black and white documents and drawings, I pick up a piece of paper that displays Jai’s drawing of the trap, he’d drew the dimensions so accurately that I could picture it in my  mind perfectly. The next trap was designed as a sort of mouse trap, the target was an infidel, a dirty rotten cheat (as were most), I’d lead him through the forest towards the trap, of course I’d have to seduce him first, given that he’s an infidel with a clear thing for blonde’s Jai had bought a platinum blonde wig for me to wear from the local fancy dress store.  Jai had already researched every detail of our target, his name was Donald Trunken, a lawyer that had defended many murderers that should’ve rightly been convicted, kind of ironic given that he was about to be a victim. He’s been married for fourteen years to his wife Marie, they have three children Angus, Molly and Peter, his children often stay with their grandparents given that their parents fought every night. Donald usually being the starter of each argument, he verbally and physically attacked his wife on regularly occasions, accusing her of infidelity, quite the asshole.

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