If Only You Knew- Chapter 12

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I instinctively back away from Luke, not out of fear but out of shear shock. What is he doing here? He has no right to be here. I don’t leave Luke’s grasp as he intertwines his fingers with mine protectively. I drag my eyes to meet Jai’s gaze and nothing can hide the anger behind his eyes, his usual dark eyes look almost red under the fluorescent lights that hang above the entrance to the diner.

For a moment I consider pulling Luke back towards me and kissing him again to raise a further reaction out of Jai. I hate him from making my feel this way, he shouldn’t be here.

I feel Luke’s grip tighten around my hand, he bends down slightly to whisper in my ear

“Are you okay?” he asks cautiously, his eyes show nothing but concern

I can’t find a response to his question, am I okay? Fuck no. I haven’t been okay since I met this fucking psychopath. Instead of forcing myself to answer I stay silent.

I don’t let my eyes leave Jai’s, I try and decipher some emotion behind those dark eyes, I want to know how he’s feeling, I want to feel what he’s feeling so that I know how to make him feel ten times worse. As much as I try and gauge any emotion from him, it’s impossible, he’s too guarded.

That’s because he’s a fucking psychopath

My subconscious taunts me. The silence fills the air; it’s almost a suffocating silence as if all of the air is being soaked up by the emotions that are only damned to wreak havoc among those within a five foot radius of them.

I move closer to Luke, he wraps his arm around my back and pulls me too him. His gaze meets Jai’s and there’s no hint of fear in his eyes as he looks down at me, his calmness only makes me more anxious, I know that this could only infuriate Jai more. I’m torn between feeling pleasure from his discomfort and from feeling fear at his possible actions.

I drag my eyes away from Jai’s for a second to look up at Luke. My eyes plead with him not to make any sudden movements. He nods in recognition slightly releasing his grip on my waist but never untangling our intertwined fingers.  

When my gaze travels back to find Jai he’s leaning against the stone hard wall adjacent to us, I can hear the sounds of roaring motor bikes in the distance, his lips turn up slightly into a smirk. My mind can only wonder what kind of sick plan he has conjuring in that fucked up mind of his. My stomach begins to curdle at the possible thoughts of him hurting Luke.

I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, his tormenting grin caught me off guard, I am undecided of what to do. Part of me wants to go and punch him straight in his smug looking but damn gorgeous face, but the other half of me is desperate to know what’s going on in that twisted mind of his. I stand motionless for a few seconds watching his every movement as he did mine, our eyes never leaving one another’s.

“Oh brother” Jai chuckles, his tone is dry as the words leave his mouth

“If only you knew” he continues to laugh

For a second I wonder what the hell he’s on about, then the images of his head between my legs in the bathroom flushes through my mind. My blood begins to boil, my mind is swirling with many possible ways to kill this son of a bitch, my fists are balled at my sides, and I’m clenching them so hard that it feels as if my veins could burst any minute. I stare at Jai hoping that my pleading eyes will silence him.

“Knew what?” Luke asks

Why did he have to ask? I feel my cheeks flush as my eyes meet with Jai’s, I can practically see the images swirling through his mind just like they are mine, they way he held my thighs in place before I released, the way his tongue lapsed over me...

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