Darkness- Chapter 22 [Part 2]

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Suddenly I felt the hospital walls closing in on me, paramedics were running side by side, ushering the gurney down the clinical scented corridor, turning corners, elevators, chaos.

I wasn’t ready to let Luke go, attempting to make myself believe he was gone seemed impossible. I wanted nothing more than for him to be here with me right now, the night we made love. I wanted to be in his arms, forming the most perfect mould with our bodies, I wanted us to feel more together than ever. Instead, he’s gone forever.

Trying to comprehend this series of unfortunate events was painful. It was painful to remember the events that had taken place over these past months; I have experienced loss in the most brutal ways, all at the hands of myself. This was all my fault.

I needed to get out of here, go some place new. Spend a while mourning the loss of my love, maybe one day I’d find love again? The thought seemed impossible. How could I possibly love after Luke?

Trying to form a rational thought in a time of such disaster was an impossible task. I tried to keep up with the pace of the forever moving gurney carrying my love but I could feel my legs collapsing beneath me.

Before I knew it I was on the floor again, gasping for breath. Is this what it’s going to be like without him? Not being able to breath, think or move.

I could only wonder how this became my life. How did I become so powerless at the hands of cruel fate? I’m so sick of people dying around me.

A bunch of things were being shouted at me as someone began to drag me to my feet

“Are you okay?”

“Keep your breathing steady”

“Stay with me”

It all just sounded like a load of nonsense; nothing can break past the pounding in my ears, the ringing of the sirens, the crackle of the flames, and Luke’s cries of terror. I feel the blood surging through my veins, the sinister feeling of imminent death still looming heavily.

“Hope” this time it was a voice I recognised

“Hope” the voice called again

I wanted to respond, desperately I wanted to respond but I couldn’t. I was stuck in darkness, I couldn’t see anything or feel anything, and it was only the voices penetrating through the darkness.

“Hope, the darkness can seem so bleak when you’re stuck in it alone, let me accompany you” the voice almost whispered

“Jai” I was frightened to respond, honestly I wasn’t aware that I could

Suddenly the fog began to sift away through the darkness and I was in the forest again, waiting, alone. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for, but I was most definitely waiting. I took a look down at my feet that are bare and cut to pieces, blood drenches my toes as I wriggle them about in attempt to feel something.

“This must be terrifying” Jai’s voice sounds almost taunting

“You need to find your place here” he told me as if I was to be making a permanent decision

“I-I’m scared” I replied, my voice was frail

The sounds were muffled by something but I couldn’t tell what, nothing was entirely clear, just the tall trees reaching up to the sky, blocks of wood, mud, sticks. I could see the moon peaking through a break in the trees but it wasn’t bright enough to elluminate the gloomy forest.

I was frightened, I admit it.

I was frightened to be guided by Jai, all he’s ever led me too is misery.  It seems ironic that in the darkest of times I seek refuge in the darkest of souls.

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