Rise And Shine- Chapter 13

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[one week later]

"I told you, this will never be over" the voice I haven't heard for a while shouts only few metres away from me, but I can't see him, it's too dark

To be honest I don't even know where I am, this place doesn't look familiar. I guess I'm in a forest? The fact that I’m surrounded but hundreds of trees and the ground beneath me is harsh yet crumbly tells me that I’m stepping on some kind of dirt kind of gives it away.

"What did you do?" I yell back at him, knowing he's there, somewhere hidden in the dark, masked by the trees and eerie atmosphere

The confidence I so wanted to hold in his presence was quickly fading

"Nothing" he laughs evilly, his eyes are set dead on mine I can feel his eyes burning through my skin sending shivers down my spine

"Yet" he breathes, I can feel his cool breath on my ear

I'm shocked by how close he is, I can feel the beat of his heart on my back, his finger tips digging into my waist, his lips lightly grazing my ear. I haven't seen nor heard from him for a week and I was already convinced that maybe he wouldn't be around anymore, maybe this could all be over.

"Surprised to see me?" His voice is so distant and harsh. I truly am surprised at his presence, I am afraid of what his presence brings but I am curious, not that I would ever admit it to him.

"No" I lie, turning around to face him but he quickly disappears leaving me in the darkness alone

The wind blows my hair and I can feel the crisp air nipping at my feet, I look down to see that they’re bare, my feet are bare and most of my body is there, I am stood in nothing but his black Nirvana t-shirt that feels as if it’s haunting my body every second that material hangs over my skin.

Suddenly I hear someone screaming. That ear piercing screaming was too familiar, yet too unrecognisable. I shut my eyes as the screaming continued and got louder by every second, it was so familiar, too familiar but I couldn’t seem to match it to a person. I should recognise it, but the panic overpowers my body and I'm unable to move. I cover my ears as an attempt to mute the screams and pray it to stop, but it doesn't. It gets louder, I feel like my ears could explode in any second, I feel the pounding of my ear drums as the scream gets closer, the sounds ripping out my heart as they become more strained and full of fear.

"Make it stop" I beg

"Please, make it stop" I repeat, but it comes out as more of a whisper and suddenly dead silence fills the forest

Its’ too silent, I slowly open my eyes, I look around to see nothing his altered in anyway except now I’m alone, I can’t feel his presence, he isn’t here I’m all alone in this dark place.

I look down to see red liquid dropping onto my bare legs, the colour staining my olive skin. I try to wipe it off but it only spreads further covering me in drops of pain, I look at my hands which are covered in red liquid now

"No" I scream, the blood keeps dropping onto to my legs, I look around and I can’t seem to find the source of the down pour

I scream and scream until I'm sitting in some sort of blood puddle

"No" I scream again as I stand up, but suddenly my head hits something. I slowly look up and see a blood covered body hanging from the tree

All I see is red as my eyes fills with tears

"No, no, no" I repeat as I sob into my hands, the cold bold soon taking its place on my skin

"Wake up Hope" Luke's voice echoes through the forest, I can’t see him, he isn’t here

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