Full Wrath Of Insanity- Chapter 15

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Playlist for this chapter:

Panic At The Disco- This is Gospel

Shakira- Dare

Skillrex- Right In

5SOS- Good Girls

“Let’s get out of here” Luke rushes his words and grabs a hold of my hands forcefully

I don’t object despite how curious I am as to why Jai is here. I want to talk to him, I need to know why he’s still doing this, why won’t he leave me alone?

Luke is pushing his way through the barely dressed and sticky men and women that are vigorously dancing on the dance floor. I keep my eyes focused on our intertwined fingers

“Going so soon?” I heard his voice break through the heavy beat of the music

I felt a cool hand place on my bare shoulder; his grip was firm but not angry. I stopped in my tracks too afraid to turn around. Luke continued to walk forward almost jerking my arm out of its socket but soon enough he turned to face the disruption.

“What do you want Jai?” Luke growls through gritted teeth

“Her” Jai replies simply as if it’s no big deal

I stand still almost as if I was frozen, I can’t seem to find it in me to turn to face the monster that has done nothing but reak havoc on my sad little life. He turned what was somewhat horrible but normal into terrifying yet in some respects exciting. Luke keeps his firm grip on my hand as he burns his eyes into Jai’s, they look so beautiful as they are lit up by the bright orange streaks drawn at the top of his cheek, the soft browns are turning into angry blacks as they dagger Jai.

“She doesn’t want you” Luke says as calmly as possible despite his chest rising and falling rapidly

“But she does” I can tell Jai’s smirking now

The images of Jai pleasing me in the toilets in the diner feels like months ago, it almost feels as if it was just some other nightmare that I was ready to forget despite how good it felt. I shut my eyes and pray silently that Jai doesn’t spill the details of our intimate moments only last week.

“I don’t” I finally turn round to face him which took every ounce of courage

“I don’t believe you for one second” Jai almost looks hurt by my response

What the fuck did he expect? Did he really expect me to want him?

Yes Hope he did, he’s a fucking psychopath...My subconscious reminds me.

“But it was only a week ago that-“he began but I brought my hands to his lips fast enough to silence him

“Let’s just get this over with, what the fuck do you want?” I shout over the music almost loosing every bit of patience I have for this ego maniac

“I already said y-“he began but once again I cut him off

“No Jai I mean why the fuck are you bothering us? Why can’t you just let us go? You can get on with your night and we can get on with ours, what is it that you fucking want?” My voice begins to rise as each word leaves my mouth I am aware of my now heavy breathing

Luke grabs onto my hand tighter, so tight that it can barely breathe.

“I want you to stay” Jai shrugs “Both of you” his eyes catch on our intertwined fingers as Luke steps even closer to me which I didn’t think possible

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